寫 "漪" 生 活

December 20, 2013
by ladysuki

I met a man on train

I boarded my train at Raffles Place station as I was watching drama on the iPad.. As i was trying to balance myself in a moving train, I turned to get hold of one of those grips on the top. … Continue reading

October 3, 2012
by ladysuki

失眠中。。03/10/2012 0529hrs

已经第二天了~ 睡着了又突然醒来,就再也睡不回了。 不记得从哪儿听说过,最健康的方法是,与其在床上挣扎着怎样才能睡得着,不如下床去找点东西做,说不定就突然有睡意了。希望有效吧~ 很久很久。。没有享受夜晚的宁静。没有电视,没有收音机,只有风扇转动的声音,和偶尔听到虫在叫。如果这时候家里突然有人起床尿尿,应该会被我吓到吧!三更半夜,坐在客厅里的沙发上打电脑~ 哈哈~ 我并不想吵醒熟睡的老公,所以只好。。。

January 25, 2012
by ladysuki
1 Comment

Back with random writes!

I’m back! Back from our honeymoon long vacation… back from the dream.. back to my homeland… back to rounds of CNY visiting… back to work… back to a pile of bills.. back to Reality. Happy New Year!! People say… Dogs … Continue reading

December 1, 2011
by ladysuki


Random i #1 I ain’t qualified to talk about Social Privacy if I blog, I Facebook, I Tweet, I MSN, I Weibo.. Random i #2 I’m coping fine, ok? I always believe in human being able to control our minds. … Continue reading

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