寫 "漪" 生 活

June 9, 2010
by ladysuki

no sundown, but good music, happy kampong, KPO!

Month of May has past, and don’t you find it weird, why didn’t I complain about body aches and salon pas at all? Haha.. because I didn’t go for sundown on 29th May! Boohooo~ four of us signed up for … Continue reading

November 13, 2009
by ladysuki

::Nike Human 10K Race – Results

Haha.. Like I said earlier on, It wasn’t a good walk run for me lah.. 3 minutes slower than last year!!!! Arghh.. but I still had fun being able to participate lah! Hehehe.. Check your results here Here are some … Continue reading

November 3, 2009
by ladysuki

Another run!

Last weekend was NIKE 10K, and this weekend is the GE 5K Run.. sup sup water lah! It was almost drizzling by the time we start, but we enjoyed the coooooling run! Hehehe… and this time round, I clocked my … Continue reading

October 30, 2009
by ladysuki

::Nike Human 10K Race – the day the world runs

24 . 10 . 2009 To be continued.. let me take a nap now. – Updated. This year, Yan and Odin signed up for the run too! Hohoho.. so I woke up damn early in the morning to meet up … Continue reading

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