Month of May has past, and don’t you find it weird, why didn’t I complain about body aches and salon pas at all? Haha.. because I didn’t go for sundown on 29th May! Boohooo~ four of us signed up for the run, but none of us went. Ok, I admit, the lazy “genie” in me was a bit happy, but the sporty one was disappointed too. lol..
Plans for the day changed drastically after I received that SMS. Pail and I headed town instead.. to look for more maxis. Haha.. and there was another mission. I’ve been surviving on a free radio/disc player my dad brought home years ago.. before that was an even more retro Panasonic radio/cassette player. Recently, the radio frequency got cranky, often switches to another channel on its own. Pail knew about it, and has been wanting to get me a new one. So, when we saw this great offer at Courts, a Philips radio/disc player with 2 speakers, he decided to get me one. Wow! This is the first time I own speakers besides those that came with computers, and what’s more, all these years on laptop, I don’t have any speakers! Black and sleek, cute yet classy!! Sweee boh? 😀 I love it so much, now I have a remote control to my standing fan and my music player , I feel so high-tech suddenly~~ MUhahahahahaahaha~~
On the same day, after we got the player home, we are meeting Odin and Yun for dinner at Happy Kampong. Heh.. Pail was going to Zouk with his friends, while I preferred to hide stay at home.. I knew every single time I step into a disco club, I regret that very minute!! Thus, to avoid further regrets, I’m sorry for not being spontaneous this time round.
“Happy Kampong” sounded so cool, I thought I was heading towards some rural area.. but to my astonishment, it’s at some very quiet KOPITIAM nearby!! Hahahaa… ok lah, according to Odinchoy’s Sedapsutra, Sembawang is then the more traditional and secretive kampong site.
来,流口水的时间到了~~ 我看了也饿!
Be prepared to see many food pix!
Pictures are taken by my iPhone
Fried Mee Sua
Sambal Fried Rice
Deep Fried Trotter
Homemade Tofu
Black Pepper Crab
Chilli Crab and Mantous
Hee hee.. lotsa yummy food rte!! Odinchoy Sedapsutra never fails to recommend/introduce us good food. Actually, I think it’s because pure luck we happen to all share the same likings for food lah.. not that he’s really that good. Muahahahahaahahaha… oops! =X
Next morning, Pail and I headed to this quiet corner in Somerset along Orchard Road. A place I am always curious about.. why is a cafe/pub joint with Singapore Post Office?? Hahaa.. no link leh, but many friends have tried and seems like the brunch served is not bad de wor..
K.P.O~ what does that stands for? Aiyoh.. dun be so KPO lah.. just eat your food.
Ok lah. I don’t know what it stands for too. =p
Our breakfast brunch sets. Look… just looooook at the EGG!
Flow out liao! *throws fork & knife aside, grabs for my iPhone cam~
Pardon for my 水肿-ness~
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