To be continued.. let me take a nap now. – Updated.

This year, Yan and Odin signed up for the run too! Hohoho.. so I woke up damn early in the morning to meet up at 6. Odin hailed a cab from his place to fetch all of us… Wow.. we were eating energy bars, still a bit stoning while the uncle started mumbling to himself on the expressway. Uncle “the car has just 死火 leh..” We were like “HuH?!? Serious ahhhh…. ” Is it my 停电女王 power?? LOL~~~
Maybe I was still dreaming, or haven’t wake up totally, I don’t know why I was so calm about it. I just took out my iPhone, and started shooting pictures of the beautiful beautiful sky, and the view of the expressway. Perfect view with the “Reduce Speed Now” sign on the roads..

Cool, Uncle arranged another cab to come pick us up, and Miss Irony asked the Uncle if we have to pay for the cab fare. Phew.. no need! There we are!!

Arrived at destination on time.. and doing some stretching and warm-up.. I haven’t been jogging for FIVE months since the Sundown marathon. How do i remember so clearly, because the sundown running bib was still tied to my shoe!!! Duhz.. how am I going to complete 10K?

It really was more taxing on my feet.. my feet gave way soooo early that I started to walk. No inspirations or motivations at all, I just had to walk and walk.. and walk to complete the race. Blisters on my toes.. darn. See the striking and very eye-catching pair of lunarglide. If only it came in grey and hot pink, I shan’t hesitate anymore. =p

Yes, I’ve done it!!! I didn’t really time myself.. but I’m sure I did badly.. By the time I returned, they were all back already. C’mon, this is not race just because it’s called a Human Race.. it’s rather a race against yourself.. against the devil in you calling you to stop. Haha! We are so happy completing it, receiving the Nike Finisher’s Bracelet! Nice!!

Hahaa.. JUMPSHOT is a must lah~~ Heh heh.. we simply ignored how many people are standing or sitting or staring at us.. and how small the space was, we still jumped!!

Change a more spacious location, and we jumped again!

Off to breakfast… we are STARVING already. Why don’t we just settle for Popeye’s at the Singapore Flyer.. but sibeh LONG q!!! Aiyah.. there is this coffee joint beside, oh man, the food is BLAND….. don’t try it if you are ever going in there.

After food and rest.. someone suggested why not we go for Foot Reflexology. Hohohoho, perfect suggestion when I almost can’t feel my feet were mine. Miss Irony had some hesitation, but she very gamingly came along, she took the Shoulder and Neck Massage instead. Pooor gal, instead of feeling any muscle aches, she suffered 2 days of shoulder pain after the massage. No more massage for her! But I did enjoyed my foot reflexology alot~ Heeeeeee….

My muscle aches and waist strains were bugging me as usual, with SalonPas, the miracle is, this time, it only took 2 days to recover! Coming up will be the Great Eastern Women’s Run this Sunday!! Woooohooooo.. two runs in two weekends!! I must be crazy.. and yes, you are right, the Nike running bib is still on my running shoes!!! 😀
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