I’m back!
Back from our honeymoon long vacation… back from the dream.. back to my homeland… back to rounds of CNY visiting… back to work… back to a pile of bills.. back to Reality.
Happy New Year!! People say… Dogs aren’t at much advantage in the Year of Dragon.. gotta make a visit to the temple to pray for 冲太岁 le…
This is the first Chinese New Year we are giving out ang baos! Hohohoho… my cousin say it’s a historical moment they need to record. lol…. See, kawaii angbao packets I bought from Japan! Hehee…

Generally, CNY house visits are still the same, boring yet happy because family gatherings will only happen like this once in a year. Besides all the expected asking about 早生贵子, oh c’mon, we are only married for like.. a month??? Someone else truly annoyed me right on the first day of CNY.. because I guess some people just DO NOT KNOW what is courtesy..
GAL: Hi! You’ve put on weight rte? Your face looks bloated!!!
*pause for a second and re-assured me again she is right about it*
Ya.. u put on weight rte!!
ME: Errrrrr…. ya, I think so.
*loss for words*
GAL: Why ah???? You look bloated up leh..
*with actions to show how bloated one can be*
ME: Errrrrr….
Damn it.. I’ve thought about it, the next time I’m faced in such situation,
I’ll just say 干你屁事啊? *ROLLS EYES 翻白眼*
All the nonsense aside, anyway, Many people asked how’s my honeymoon. I will say GREAT FUN! Before this trip, I’ve never seen snow and never know how difficult it is to walk on snow!!! After such a long vacation that I’ve never had in my life.. I admit I do feel recharged. You gotta agree that a vacation once in a while really is necessary. Especially with your loved one! BUT! Besides the recharge, did people tell you, you are gonna suffer from withdrawal symptoms too? LOL.. I am seriously having withdrawal symptoms from Japan! We had such a great holiday that I cannot tune back now~~~~~~~~ Hahaha.. not about the jetlag or sleeping hours, but more of the lifestyle, weather, food, language, environment, culture and dress sense in Singapore! Keke..
Tho I’ve been uploading pics from iPhone to Facebook.. but we took like about 3000 pictures during the trip altogether by Nikon, Olympus and iPhone.. I seriously do not know HOW TO PROCESS and WHAT TO DO with these pics.. Also, still awaiting to hear from our photographer for the wedding day. Hmmmmm… so I guess…..

…besides updating the M&M 2012, I guess this blog will remain quite dead for the time being. :p
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