Lac! Everything is under control! Fret Not! Let me help you with some tips and sharing some of the plans I’ve done up for my wedding two years ago. Every now and then, I’ve been asked by many to send them my wedding day plans and how I draft my budget plans… so Pail asked me, why not, I blog about it? Haha.. and that should make a good entry.
Yes, 钱不是万能,但,没有钱,你就万万不能!You don’t want to end up owing a huge debt because of one day, right? Even if you are super rich, you still need a budget plan to start, so that you know you are rich enough for the ideal wedding you want. Or, if you don’t think you can afford a wedding, actually, you might be able to, who knows, right? Start budgeting! I’m sharing with you my wedding budget planner, a super-detailed one, that includes even honeymoon expenses planning.

Download file here: Our Wedding Budget Planner
Do not overestimate yourselves, bridezillas/groomzillas.
My advice to all of you is, pls keep yourself OUT OF EVERYTHING on the actual wedding day! That’s what brothers and sisters entourage are for! Leave everything to them, and make sure you brief them well enough beforehand, so that they do not have to come to you for every single detail. You are supposed to be sitting around, doing nothing, and just told of what to do and where to go next.
I have various worksheet tabs in my file
– Roles & Contacts:
where you define each brother/sister role and their contact numbers.
– Transport Plan:
where you define who takes whose car as there will be many cars on the day, you do not want them running here and there, and someone ended up with no car transport.
– Overview of the day:
Brief plan for time keeper to keep track of time and flow of events.
– Morning Session:
Plan in details for your entourage to know what to do
– Solemnisation & Lunch:
Plan in details for your entourage to know what to do
– Tea Ceremony List:
At the hotel, you need to serve tea to rest of the family, and remember, your entourage are normally your friends, they do not know your family/relatives, who is who.
– ROM List:
Normally, you only get 30 chairs, you need to decide who gets to sit.
– Seat Plan:
The toughest of all, the ever-changing plan. I think it was quite a success in planning that nobody sits with a stranger. At the same time, after you already considered all factors, do not allow your friends to tell you who they want to sit with! Haha!
– Floor Plan:
After settling the floor plan, you need to plan how to arrange their tables accordingly.
– Photo-taking Guide:
We do not have table-shots for our wedding, so we need our entourage to know, which tables to invite to the front for the family portrait photo-taking.
– Things to bring:
You do not want to leave out important things at home, so you better keep a checklist! And best practice is to load them into the car the night before.
Download file here: The Final Wedding Day Planning
With that, you can be super relaxed on the day!

And for the benefit of those looking for emcee scripts, here you go, both in English and Mandarin! 😉
Download file here: Pail&Suki – Emcee script
More info on our wedding vendors..
Proposal Ring: Soo Kee Jewellery
Our Wedding bands: Love&Co. from ION Orchard
Pre-wedding shoot: LightedPixels Pixies ~ting
Wedding Album: DIY purchased from Groupon at $88
MTM Bridal Gown: Silouette The Atelier (Minda Gomez)
Signature pen: Sheaffer from Popular Bookshop
Her Shoes: Steve Madden (Purple Lacey instead of typical white and bling)
His shoes: Alessandro (polished machiam go army parade!)
Wedding Venue: After sending hundred emails to various hotels for quotes, we finally decided on Sheraton Hotel.
Also, I previously wrote about selecting Wedding Music –> read here
Invite cards: American Wedding Treasures (AWT)
14 Jalan Pisang Singapore 199081
Contact Person : Shirley Gunawan
Tel : 6834 0662
Email :
Florist: 88 Creation
Make Up Artist: Jacqueline Law (Pre-wedding), Kelly (AD)
Actual ROM photography: Darren Francis Photography / Paul Fu Photography / Jimborange Photography
JP: Mr. Zenon Teh
Wedding Cakes for 過大禮: Gin Thye Cake Maker 锦泰西果饼家 423 Sembawang Road
Lastly, of course, I had a bunch of very great brothers and sisters, that’s why all the planning went on pretty well and smoothly. My suggestion is, try to find a bunch of common friends lah.. if not, they do not know each other well, or if they do not click, it’s going to be tough working together as a team! 😉
Ok, adios, all the best to your wedding planning~ 😀
Read all about our wedding here..