寫 "漪" 生 活

Mood: MAYDAY 五月天 ♥.♥ 回到地球表面


Songlist for the night 😀

1. 抓狂

2. 香水

3. 叫我第一名

4. 为爱而生

5. 一千个世纪

6. 雌雄同体

7. 爱情万岁

8. 离开地球表面

9. 生命有一种绝对

10. 孙悟空 (SOLOs)

11. 小太阳

12. 恒星的恒心

13. 九号球+离家出走

14. 闯

15. 生活 + 疯狂世界

16. 垃圾车 + 生日歌 (Masa’s Birthday)

17. 爱情的模样

18. 伊呀呀 (石头 SOLO)

19. 最重要的小事 (阿信 SOLO GUITAR)

20. 我又初恋了

21. 恋爱-ING (五月天 很爱演!)

22. 终结孤单 (跟我一起这样 HEY, JUMP!)

23. 洋葱 (阿信 SOLO)

24. 轧车

25. 温柔 (还你自由版)

26. 倔强

27. 人生海海


28. 天使

29. 知足

30. 离开地球表面

More photos (with courtesy of odinChoy).. ^.^

Indeed a bonus for the night, what’s the chance of Ashin jumping behind us in the background as we took that shot? Heehehe…. GREAT SHOT! =D Wah~ 5:00AM liao, Good Nights!

MORE UPDATES (02.46AM 28/4/2008):

Including DownToEarth, I’ve been to four Mayday concerts already. 天空之城, FinalHome, Jump, DownToEarth.. I can only say, Mayday is always improving. They surprise me, impress me and brings me high up to the moon! lol.. I dunno how many HIGH am I going to grade this.. juz read on..

One thing to note about Mayday concerts is.. the fans simply loved wearing black and get indulged in a sea of blue lights.. Haha. This year’s theme was black or white, so i wore a black and white! Haha! Oh.. their merchandise is the BEST and NICEST merchandise I’ve seen!!! All the concert tees and StayReal products, beautiful! *drools I can’t wait to wear my StayReal 青瓷之心 I juz got on hand! Dunno how many more merchandise I’m gonna get! Haha! HIGH!! Heh heh.. this is definitely one concert that I stood the NEAREST to the stage!!! Coz almost halfway thru the concert, we ran to the front.. and it was like WOW!!! $171 ticket is indeed worth it!! Especially this time, in Singapore Indoor, with the 前所未有 Runway and SkyBridge.. we get to see more close-ups of them!! HIGH!!! HIGH!! HIGH!!!

Looking at the song list above, who says it’s 慢热? (the reporter of mypaper lor! -_-“) 五月天很贴心地重温一点他们那下重本的爆炸场面.. 也sorta给了一个完美的结局… and I was sooooo damn excited to see 阿信 give the little girl the dolphin necklace.. kept exclaiming I HAVE ONE ON MY NECK!!! 超HIGH的啦~ Hahahaaha… and this time round, there was more individual performances, each of them had a chance to sing solo, perform solo.. 石头also sang 咿呀呀 on the spot with his guitar.. I guess you could call that the most 温馨 part of the night. Hohoh… each of them ran down the runway to touch the audiences’ hands! So envy!!! I feel that the songs chosen were suited for the theme “DownToEarth” lorr, like 生活, 闯, 爱情的模样, 九号球, 人生海海… dunno why so many people kept complaining about the choice of songs, shldn’t we like ANY songs they sing? Hehee.. coz songs like 志明与春娇, 憨人, I Love You 無望 were missing lar, but they juz hv tooo many classics lah, how to complete all rte.. I’m already very contented liao. He even sang my favourite 洋葱 leh!!! HIGH AH!!!! Much better and nicer than Aska’s lor~~ Oops, Haha… no wonder he loved to sing it so much~ Haha..

Oh ya… DO YOU KNOW? Getting involved in Mayday’s concerts is a GREAT workout, you know why? You can get rid of your flabby arms, and tone up your legs’ muscles.. coz from 8.20PM to almost 12AM (3 hours plus), your hands are always in the sky, and you will not only stand, but JUMP right from the beginning till the end!! HIGH!! HIGH!!! HIGH!!!! After the concert, Dez, Odin, Yanz and me went for supper @ East Coast 香港茶餐厅 to regain our energy! I was feelin giddy and all shagged lor~~ Hahaa… the food there is great de lor!!! =D

HMmmm… there was one little thing I got very unhappy about during the concert! (小小插曲啦).. although the fun part was we were simply following Mayday lah.. they on the front stage, we ran to the front.. they ran to the sky bridge at the back, we ran to the back too~ haha.. but when we ran from the skybridge back to the front stage, Yanz and I realised there was a big gap in between, wondering why such a big space was left empty. So I said EXCUSE ME for a few times, the 4 huge gigantic gals stood, arms folded, no response (as if they were security guards who couldn’t speak) So I EXCUSE ME again, saying HELLO there is some space in front, could you juz let us pass? they still did not answer me, but they shown me great attitude by standing damn firm, as I tried to make my way cross them, they pushed me back.. which in turn made me fall onto another guy beside me. I apologized and told him bcoz the gals in front din wana let me cross. He wasn’t unhappy when I knocked onto him, in fact, he smiled and told me to juz push my way across, as those gals aren’t from this row either..

So i did a 2nd attempt and made my way across them (nearly tripped though..@#$!) But stoooopid lar, all the trouble to walk to the first row, there are two HUGE signboards blocking my view! So I decided to go back to Yanz where we stood initially.. and these 4 gals dun let me pass again!!! ARGH! I damn pissed off liao, 她们虽巨大,但我也不小咯!Dun care lar~ Hell with them.. pushed my way thru, AND GUESS WHAT? they shouted aloud to let me hear ’em saying “So rude, 只会推人!” WTF~ Mayday is singing my favourite song 知足 and they are spoiling my mood!!! ERGH~~ 我很惭愧,早该知足原来的位置嘛,明明就唱着《知足》,真是的….硬是跑到前面还不是看不到!

But the guy standing beside me gave me an assuring smile, shaking his head at those 4 gals. This made me felt ALOT better!! I don’t know who are you, but THANKS!





MORE UPDATES(09.17PM 29/4/2008):

Here, as promised, all the clips!! 😀

all photos here

The yummy food we had before and after DownToEarth. Keke.. odinChoy’s SedapSutra brought us to 天津馆 for dinner, and Dez suggestion to East Coast HK Cafe for supper. And photos of the autograph session next morning at IMM.. haha pics not taken by me lar, i grabbed from here, shared by one of the fans in the forum. Thanks, 😉


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