寫 "漪" 生 活



See my puffy face in the morning, and the chipmunks I bought last weekend. Keke…

So it’s been one whole week huh.. i couldn’t believe myself, I din write for the whole weeeeeeek!! Hahaaa..

I shall name it the Post-Mayday-Syndrome! Haha! ok lar, the truth is, i was sick… caught the bad flu virus, which started off with a very bad sore throat when I woke up in the morning. Anyone will know the flu virus was caught on the way back to earth. Perhaps it was 水土不服 lah. LoL~ Basically, a rusty throat that goes eh-hem-eh-hem-ing every minute, and also ah-choo-ah-choo-ing non-stop in office… meanwhile the users are rushing and rushing after me for the impossible tight deadline. C’mon lah.. i juz couldn’t squeeze out the tiniest motivation (while suffering from the Post-Mayday-Syndrome, tell me who will have the slightest motivation to work) or energy (while u keep sneezing non-stop), so i decided to go see the company doctor.

Oh man.. I was actually running a fever and I din know. HAha! And the best part was, I din know there was a $50 capitalisation for each doctor visit, and I also din expect my fees to hit $70!! The nurse told me I had to top up $20 myself! Kaoz.. then her head told her no need, but will need to call my HR Admin for approval. Yes, bingo, it’s that HR Admin again. The one whom I pissed off previously regarding the BKK Trip. Haha! The nurse called over, reporting as requested by the HR Admin, my full name and particulars and what is wrong with me, and of coz asking for the $20 top-up -____-” How I wish I juz give her the $20 and she hang up that call lah~~~ The nurse shown me a ridiculed facial expression that says “$20 only, need to ask so much anot..”

I was on MC the next 2 days.. which meant I can rest 3 days straight at home, coz of the public holiday on Thursday. Heehee… I really rest till max lor~ din even step outta home at all… anyway I had no energy too. Hohoho.. today I reported back at work, to give myself a push of energy early in the morning, I decided to wear my StayReal tee. Heehe.. Everyone commented the top was nice.. hehee.. Yay! =p *THUMBS UP for StayReal*!!

Music playing: ♪ 五月天 – 爱情的模样
See? Till this minute, I still can’t get used to not listening to Mayday!

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