寫 "漪" 生 活



Today, don’t know why, Mary of Yes 93.3 suddenly did a recap on Fann Wong. Probably for the cause of her upcoming movie Dance of the Dragon bah… Suddenly it struck me, no matter how anti-Fann I used to be in sec. school (due to her 红星大奖 宣言 in 1995), i belong to the Zoe Tay group of supporters back then! Hahahaha.. I can never forget the scene where two groups of girls stood on the left and right sides of the kitchen during Home Econs class.. involved in a “Fann Wong Vs Zoe Tay” argument.. soooo childish yet funny.. Hahaha.. but all these years, not consciously, I became quite a fan of her songs… and dramas! Oh man, realise, i caught most of her dramas, and her albums!

Fann Wong Discography

– 别让情两难 (新阿朗 主题曲 Feat.张信哲)
– 真爱宣言 (再见萤光兰 主题曲)
– 无欲无求

Impression: Fann wearing a lime-green colour top in the album cover.. quite IN colour back then!! Ok lah.. this duet with Jeff is still one of the must-sing songs in S-Pop KTV sessions. =D

– 被爱的权利
– 一个人生活

Impression: Remember her 一个人生活 MV is abit stupid, u all can try Youtube for it. Don’t really like her during this period yet.. but 被爱的权利 started to catch my attention.

– 逛街
– Summer Rain
– 预言 (神雕侠侣 主题曲 Feat.张宇)
– 示情 (神雕侠侣 插曲)

Impression: Vividly remember till this point, I still don’t admit I kinda liked her songs. Whahahaa.. 逛街 MV was a bit of act-cute pushing a cart here and there in a supermart.. and her hairstyle in 《神雕》 also quite stupid! Haha!! But seems like stupid things became quite classic now… Back then, felt that 张宇 voice can totally cover her voice due to poor singing skills. LoL!

– Luv Luv Luv (步步为赢 主题曲)
– 想你 (步步为赢 插曲)
– 我还好
– 一圈一圈 (Even had a Remix version)
– Private Number (Feat.911)

Impression: This is the album and drama that I started to pay more attention to her! Released between my vacation job and Poly Yr 1 period. Hmmmmm probably becoz these songs brings me ALOT ALOT of memories back then.. =p Esp. her duet with 911.. still wondering her ang-moh can make it anot.. Hahaha!

– Stay (心锁 插曲)
– 没有问题 (心锁 主题曲)

Impression: Stay was her classic song lah.. from 《心锁》.

– 我来也匆匆去也匆匆 (我来也 主题曲)
– 明天还有更远的路(无炎的爱 插曲)
– 月亮的秘密(月亮的秘密 主题曲)
– 我相信 (有情有义 插曲)

– 爱就爱 There Is No Why(真心话 插曲)
Impression: This song is from 真心话 movie!! First movie!

– Always On My Mind(无炎的爱 主题曲)
Impression: Very touching song as I watched her serial with Tay Peng Hui.

– 路 (镜中人 主题曲)
Impression: Can’t really recall the melody at all, but remember is not bad lar..

Fann Wong Filmography

Yes I tee-kee again, didn’t watch 缘尽今生! Haha!

Impression: 是不是有和曹国辉啊?

Impression: 方老师和文芳去游乐场~一瓶的TOKENS. =D

Impression: I support ZOE TAY!! “我听见了~~~~” Sai wei’s bai ka.. and Alex Man very 娘 name is Ren-niang

Impression: None.

Impression: A serial of past life and present life.. is with Li Nanxing if i’m not wrong..

Impression: Her red qi-pao quite scary leh..

Impression: Really the trend to pull the crew overseas for filming back then. Loose budget? Haha..

Impression: With Wang Tian Cai! Started watched this halfway.. in pain. Coz I was having bad gastrics in sec sch.. MC for many days! The song 真爱宣言 is nice~ ^.^

Impression: Alex Man again.. 你是猪啊!

Impression: Err this is a 电视电影 rite.. she was acting as a 媒婆?

Impression: Her curry-pok hairstyle~ My bro bought tis VCD set! Haha!

Impression: She started to find her 戏路, i.e. siao-char-bor style of acting.

Impression: 导演:尔冬升. 主要演员:何润东、范文芳 Her hairstyle quite stylo leh~~ and her classic dialogue is “I fook-er U!” Hahahahaha~


Impression: Watched the movie on tv when it was telecasted later.. not much impact.

Impression: A drama my bro bought the VCD and I watched umpteen times still not sian lor.. Can say is one of the successful singapore 偶像剧 back then.. 文芳+名顺!Keke… Love it!

Impression: Only remember Chen Zhi Cai and Ivy Lee.. HEe.. Fann is 客串 only lah.. don’t remember what she acted as ler..

Impression: Err.. Jordan Chan and Fann Wong???

Impression: A drama about SARS. Quite moving one.

Shanghai Knights(2003)
Impression: Wah seh, Fann Wong appearing in Jacky Chan movie leh!! Owen Wilson too~ Don’t play play..

Impression: Got my favourite 罗嘉良!!! =D

Imperssion: Was it a 一人分饰二角 story? Quite interesting..

Impression: All I remember is.. they went Australia? And 郑佩佩 was acting as their mother..

Impression: Seldom watch Mediacorp productions, but caught this serial starring Fann Wong and Jeanette Aw.

Just Follow Law(2007)
Ah Long Pte Ltd(2008)
Impressions: Two movies from J-Team, of course I will catch lar~~ Heehee.. I prefer Just Follow Law better… maybe becoz I can really relate to all the govt, and arrow-shooting emails! Haha!

Above info gathered from >>
Alot more from her discography, but I seldom watch 古装, so I actually missed out quite alot.. Hehehe.. come to think of it, perhaps I even watched more of Fann Wong than Zoe Tay! Oh.. how could that be……………


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