寫 "漪" 生 活

September 24, 2009
by ladysuki


UPDATES this morning 09:15AM: GREAT NEWS!!! Photobucket has been unblocked! WOOHOOOOO~~~~~ Yay!!!!!!!! ========================= I was so agitated ytd that they started to block certain sites.. so i posted this on Facebook.

September 15, 2009
by ladysuki

Customer Service

I thought I should write about all the customer service I experienced tonight. First, I thought of stocking up some MILO for my ofc, so the very blur me went down with $30 NTUC vouchers.. but I forgot to bring … Continue reading

July 30, 2009
by ladysuki

once again proven..

I wanted to try out the new portable mobile charger Tricia bought for me. So knowing my mobile batt is running low, I brought it to office today. After lunch, I digged and digged my bag, and almost emptied my … Continue reading

June 24, 2009
by ladysuki


I woke up slightly earlier than normal today. Knowing my handphone battery is running out, I put it to charge. Got ready for work and left home… Notice wads missing? I FORGOT TO REMOVE MY HANDPHONE FROM CHARGER!!!!! Only realized … Continue reading

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