寫 "漪" 生 活

Customer Service


I thought I should write about all the customer service I experienced tonight.

First, I thought of stocking up some MILO for my ofc, so the very blur me went down with $30 NTUC vouchers.. but I forgot to bring my wallet, no linkcard, no cash, not even 10cents!! I reaaally feel like cancelling the card, cos I never remember to bring everytime! I’ve to shop within my limits.. with an invisible calculator in mind.. only managed to come up with $28 with my necessities.. cashier auntie say dun waste money, ask me go find a $2 item to buy….. Ok lorrrr.. walk and walk, walk and walk.. I added a bottle of coke-zero for my bro tat costs $1.80. Fine, now total adds up to $30.10!!! Erghhhhhh… I told cashier auntie, it’s ok la, I reallly dun hv cash, not even 10cents.. forfeit the $2 bah! She still think it’s a waste.. she offered to pay the ten cents for me!!! Wowww… I’m soooo sooooo grateful to her!!

Next, I passed by a convenience shop, I thought of buying somethin (don’t ask me what), so I asked the china salesgirl if they have it, and how much it is. The response I got was damnnnnn attitude and fierce and sacarstic. In fact, I was scolded.. a younger girl which I assumed is the boss’s daughter, served me politely saying how much and how it’s sold.. Meanwhile, the china salesgirl still ranting with sacarscm. I showed her a STOP sign, and say it’s ok. I turned and walked away.. I still hear her @#$%^&%$#@ behind my back!!! What a shrew..

Within a night.. I faced different different types of customer service. Did anyone mentioned about GEM? >.<"


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