寫 "漪" 生 活

Shiseido 40th Anniversary


From Facebook’s Shiseido wall, I got to know about this event. Haha, remember back in 2008, HX and I went once.. it was fun experience, with makeover.. hairdo and even bringing home a photo with frame!

Heh.. so I jio-ed Ruyi this time round. Heh.. but it didn’t turn out to be a very good experience this time… boohoo. Why do I keep meeting bad customer service recently???

It was rather crowded there, we were welcomed by the receptionist and received our redeemable vouchers and door gifts. However, the welcoming stops here. We were left stranded there, didn’t know when the exactly is the makeover going to start, we didn’t want to leave for dinner. The staff there kept asking us if we want to buy anything with their $20 redeemable vouchers. -___-” I seriously have nothing to buy after buying at the Shiseido sales recently. And I was thinking, the total damage for the night could be put to the least of $20 instead of $20 + top up $ to get somethin I might not need at all. Heh..

The staff demonstrated some makeup techniques on stage with their models.. with new colors of the season! Niceee~~ they will probably use the colors on us, since it’s a makeover event to show off their new season collection of color palettes? Too bad, no lorrrr… Duhz. The staff and makeup artistes seemed very busy, walking to and fro passed us, ignoring our presence, saying “Excuse Me.. excuse me..”, asking us to make way for them. So extra..

Ok.. finally someone spotted us, and led us to the counter for the makeover session. My MUA seeeemed quite nice la.. she even trimmed my brows for me! hee.. I was told to close my eyes, until I opened them, I saw that my makeup was done already. Sidenote, the reason why I used the word “seeeeemed” is because I overheard one of the MUA whispered to another, “Sian! Tonight have to do till 9plus liao.. ” LoL~ obviously, they weren’t very happy working on such assignments.

Anyway, we were led to the hairdo counter, just like the other ladies aunties after their makeup. Hoh.. this hair stylist also a bit “attitude” and 娘 in a way, he politely led the aunty to sit down for her hairdo, when she wasn’t looking, i caught him rolling eyes at her!! Muahahaha.. he rolled to the max loh! WAaa lau… I also happen to see how one of the girls flirted with him in a 姐妹 tone, offering to bring him food from the Shiseido Food Catering buffet by the side.. she spoke in the cutest voice you could imagined~~ *shudders*

Since I had straight hair, he decided to do curls for me first. Ruyi sat beside me to wait.. when my hairdo was done, he asked me to go over to take a picture while he will do Ruyi’s hair. The photographer and another guy were busy doing “photoshop” on the earlier photos, he didn’t even look up at me when I called out to him. He simply waved his hand and asked me to wait. -_- Then he came over to ask me for some form or paper, which I didn’t have. One of the ladies at reception came over too. She asked if I am going to pay $88 to have the photo taken. Of course I didn’t want to! I said, no it’s ok, we don’t have to take the photo.

Her: “Hi, you only paid $20, you shouldn’t be entitled to the hairdo.”

Me: “Huh.. I wasn’t aware of it, your MUA led me to the hairstylist..”

Her: “Sorry.. My boss says you have to pay $88 leh.. I’m afraid you have to pay leh, coz you did the hair, you shouldn’t be entitled to it..”

Me: “Nope, I came for the $20, and wasn’t aware of there is any $88 ones. You all sticked a pink sticker on my hand to differentiate, isn’t it? Your MUA didn’t ask me for any form either, she led me to the hair stylist and didn’t ask me for any forms before he do my hair too. It’s ok, since our makeup is done, my friend will not do her hair, we can leave now?”

Her: “Ok lor.. since you weren’t aware..”

Poor Ruyi, she didn’t get to do her hair in the end, thanks to one “irritating” aunty who cut her queue and asked the hair stylist to do her hair first. Grrr… Ruyi later told me she heard the group of ladies at reception whispering among themselves behind our backs, commenting that we didn’t pay still want to do hair… -___-” I guess the hair stylist must have rollllled his eyes 360 degrees behind my back, cos he commented that my hair was too thick, and he really spent a long time setting my curls! HAhaha… Aiyo! Don’t care lah.. sibeh embarrassing. It was such an unintentional stupid mistake, stupid lah.. we couldn’t be bothered. Anyway, I saw those aunties being instructed to pose in a VERY OBIANG manner.. OMG, I’m glad I didn’t have to take a photo loh~ We just want to head to some quiet corners to camwhore after the makeover! Hahaha.. and ta-daaaa~~ 😀

Hahaa.. ok, that’s my Shiseido Makeover experience. Positively thinking, although we faced bad customer service, but at least I got a free hairdo and eyebrow trimming? =p LOL~~ the photo I uploaded on Facebook was taken by the macbook Photobooth at home after the makeover, I received a lot of good comments about it! So, ok lah, I feel better now! Haha! You might have noticed? I’ve put it up in my blog banner too! Heeeeeeee… =p


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