Thankfully, my company is concerned with our health, we are allowed to go for this free health screening annually. I guess it would probably cost a bomb outside .. a hundred bucks at least!? Hehe.. anyway, this is the first time I bothered to go take the application form to fill up for it.
A whole list of checkups to be done..
It wasn’t very smooth to start off with.. first I set the date to 5th Apr ‘2010. I was reminded of the check-up during my Melaka+KL trip, I even joked about my cholesterol level when we were feasting on the crabs. Ok.. but on the very last day of the trip, I realised I couldn’t go for the check-up, thanks to the monthly thing. =/ Ok, and the checkup is then postponed to 20th Apr’ 2010. During lunch, my colleague was talking about the measuring of height.. then it struck me! GOSH~ I FORGOT TO GO FOR THE CHECK-UP!! Aiyahh.. faster called to postpone it again to 22nd Apr’ 2010. LOL~
Hoho.. I wasn’t afraid of blood tests, in fact, I’m more worried about needing to collect my STOOLS on the spot… ehh normally i dun hv “shitting feel” so early in the morning leh! But I sipped some warm water early in the morning although I was told to fast 10 hours before the check up. Hehe.. it definitely helps! so smoothly, my stool test was ok, but thanks to the blood test, I have this big patch of blueblack on my arm!! Argh~~ during the blood extraction, the nurse was figeting the stringe up and down, commenting that my blood is very sturbborn. -_- And my blood spilled out as she removed the needle. Abuse!!
[singlepic id=’304′ w=’550′ mode=’watermark’]
Finally, to all ladies out there, here’s my advise to u. Do not wear a dress to medical checkups. Preferably wear a top and pants to be safe, because you have to remove your top and bra for many times!! Imagine if you’re wearing a dress? Especially during the ECG test, you’ve to lie there topless~ OMG. So embarrassing~ Hahaha.. why don’t they let us wear somethin like the dress to change into for X-ray? Then we don’t have to change so many times!
Anyway, here’s an amusing conversation that took place last night..
Me: 你看 你看,我的黑青一大块还没好~
Pail: Ok mah.. 黑青而已, 红红的伤口变小了,要好了。
Me: *瞳孔放大,鼻孔放大* 什么黑青而已!一大片leh!!!
Pail: *刚刚晃过神来,发现自己说错话,就笑个不停*
Me: GRrrr… 什么黑青而已~痛的lehhhh…你还在笑~~
Pail: *笑不停*
Me: *无奈,只好一起笑* ~_~
Scroll down.. and continue reading on my first Papsmear experience……
I finished all the tests, and waited for the doctor’s examination. The first thing she spoke to me was, to ask if I want to do a Papsmear. Wah.. Ok lor! I shall get it over and done with! But I’m freaking scared! She explained how the process is gonna be like, even showing me a very messy diagram she has probably shown to many women.. but I can’t really figure what she’s drawing. LoL~ for hygiene purposes, each patient is entitled to one sealed toolkit, that includes a plastic speculum, that’s going to be inserted into the cervix area to collect the cells sample for the test.

Image found from Google Image:
Gasps, the plastic transparent thing, it’s big leh! *looks scary*!!
Sigh, I was then told to take off my top again, she’s going to perform the “六分钟,护一生” checks.
Hmmmm.. talking about Papsmear… I believe most of you have heard much horrible experience about how uncomfortable and painful it’s gonna be, but I’m sure you also heard how important it is for women after the age of 20 or 25. Although there is little or no benefit to screening women who have not had sexual contact, but as long as you’ve had once in three years, you are advised to take this pap test.
A little more understanding here, from Wikipedia…
The test aims to detect potentially pre-cancerous changes (called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) or cervical dysplasia), which are usually caused by sexually transmitted human papillomaviruses (HPVs). The test remains an effective, widely used method for early detection of pre-cancer and cervical cancer. The test may also detect infections and abnormalities in the endocervix and endometrium.
Ok, I’m going to share my experience now! First, lie down, with your feet open.. The doctor inserts the speculum into the your vagina, to allow access to the cervix.
Damn.. this is the uncomfortable part, because she will scrape and scrape.. for cell samples from your cervix, in fact, I think lah.. I wouldn’t say it’s not painful AT ALL, but alright bearable lahhh, it’s the fear that’s a bigger thing to overcome. I very kanjiong, and closed my eyes, 咬紧牙关….. and merely let out a very soft “Ouchhhh” and that’s it. Doctor keeps asking me to breathe in and out.. like what you see in movies during delivery. Hahaha.. and before I know it, the test is done!! She says I might get cramps or mild bleeding for first two days.. but so far so good, it’s been a week, only very very verrrrry mild almost no bleeding. =p
Next, get changed, go for my next test, i.e. Chest X-ray. And yes you probably guessed it, I have to strip (again!) to get changed into the X-ray rope! Duhz.. nvm, it’s the LAST step already! hahaha.. by the time I head back to office, it’s already 11am! Hohoh.. machiam work half day! la la la la….
Boooohooo~~~ this is not the end yet of what I’ve gotta say on this body checkup! I just logged in to check my credit card statement. The clinic double-charged me for the papsmear test I topped up for!! Argh.. but heng ah.. they’re going to send me a cheque refund lahhh.. And my medical report is not out yet, I will open my mailbox EVERY DAY to look for the report and cheque refund! Hahaa..
And by and by the way, another thing happened today (nothing to do with the checkup though…), I also noticed there’s fraud on my PayPal account!!! Damn… stupid!!! Duno which idiot hacked my account! I had to call Paypal to demand them to freeze my account immediately! Damn Damn Damn.. I’ve run out of words to curse and swear!
Time to buy a voodoo doll! >.<
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