It was a bad bad Monday.
First, my laptop died. It just couldn’t switch up no matter how I pressed the ON button. I haven’t been putting in the laptop battery for a few days, so it shouldn’t be the battery. I already made sure the power was on, and laptop was plugged in properly. Still cannot.
My iPhone was on fring MSN/Facebook/Twitter anyway.. but very soon, it ran low batt. Fine! 7plus only, I shall watch TV bah.. anyway, 9pm I can watch “家好月圆”! A very touching episode that drove me to my tears… after that, I tried the ON button again. Ah! It’s working after 2 hours!! GRrrrrr… both Pail and my bro are already discussing with me when to go get a Macbook, and it’s suddenly worked again.
I quickly backed up all my files, photos and music. Then I looked out from bedroom, my living room light started flashing.. and blinking. Just like those horror movies. Yeeeeee.. so I quickly went out to switch off the lights. But I think it’s working fine again the next day, so it’s just my problem on Monday?
What’s next, I’m supposed to meet Peiyu to exchange our photos taken in the weekend. Ran out to meet her, and came back, my door’s padlock chain broke and the lock dropped onto the ground, just 3cm away from smashing my toes.. Positively thinking, u cann call tat a blessing in disguise though.
But what the hell again, everything is not going right!
What’s happening????!?!!?!!!