It hasn’t been an easy start in 2015, it has been so far the longest and slowest three months of my life.. 為什麼別人的三個月那麼快過,我的三個月那麼久???
It was at the beginning of 2015, I found out I was pregnant!! We have been trying for a baby since last year, and this was just one of the times where I used a pregnancy test kit. Test kits are too costly in Watsons, so I was using one of those $2 test kits I ordered online, and who knows, this time, a very faint two lines appeared!! I couldn’t believe it myself too.. I even tested again with a Clearblue digital kit that actually tells me the number of weeks. Omg, *rubs eyes* its true, it’s true!!!
Weeks after the discovery, I didn’t sense much changes in my body, except for feeling really tired, sleepy and the frequent visits to the toilet. Oh, and before I know it, at Week 5, I had my first puke in the office toilet. That’s what you call “Morning Sickness”, throwing up for no reason, at any moment of the day, even at night. For me, it’s sickness throughout the whole day, and worst at night.
Oh, and we visited a gynae for check-up too, and that’s when we first saw and hear a lil’ heartbeat thumping in me. I was 7 weeks pregnant, and my EDD is 18th Sept 2015. ^.^
It was only then we released the news to both our parents… heh.. if Baby decides to come out just a lil early, Daddy and Baby’s birthday may fall on the same day? Hehehe… we are a family of September Babies!!
Hello, 小芝麻.
Never knew how the weeks were counted, didn’t we always ask people 怀孕几个月?Why when it has really happened, everything counts by weeks? Oh, let me explain… because you actually start counting Week 1 on the first day of your last menses! At that time, you are clearly not even pregnant yet.. but that’s how it works apparently. Hehehe.. interesting knowledge to know, yea?
From Week 5 till now, our lives can be summed up in one word, 宅!!!!! I was told to rest and rest and rest, and that’s all I did. I have been a very good girl mommy, I must say. I’ve not sipped coffee or tea for months, and I’ve not touched a slice of sashimi nor eat any salad too. Doctor says avoid alchohol, or too much caffeine and raw food. This is so not me… what to do? Wait till I get my energy back, hopefully in the Second Trimester!! We have been spending tooooo many weekends at home, I was just lying on the sofa watching TV, sleeping and doing nothing. Thanks to Pail, he has been doing all the housechores and cooking for me. A husband’s support is all you ask for at such a time. All the frequent throwing up has drained my energy to do anything or go anywhere, except to office. And even sometimes, I still feel too sick to go out of home, fortunately I was allowed to work from home on those days.
One of the difficulties I had was 大肚婆饿不得!I didn’t have much cravings, but I was hungry all the time but I couldn’t eat much, because whatever goes in, comes throwing up. And there was a constant bitter taste in my mouth all day.. Even our Chinese New Year this year was spent at home, we seeked approval from our parents to be excused from all house visits. Hee hee…..
Pail and I preferred to go low profile. Although a part of me was feeling the urge to share but I held back. I do not want too much attention during this first trimester where my pregnany has not stablised, even my gynae and boss have adviced me that I better wait till the end of my first trimester to share the news. I also thought it’s better I wait till I done my OSCAR scan at Week 12 and also, by then I’ll be more adapted to this pregnancy.
Meanwhile, many observant friends had also noticed why has Suki become so quiet on social media, and all my cooking / baking seemed to be on hiatus. And I haven’t been joining any friends’ gatherings too! So, it’s really kinda obvious somethin is happening!! Hehehe… those who probably have guessed it, I truly appreciate your kindness and respect to not come probe me about it. Please understand it wasn’t easy for me too..
Anyway, by now I’m typing this entry, I’ve completed my OSCAR scan!! This is to scan for any Down Syndrome abnormalities. Results came back to “Low Risk”, so we can now 放心 a bit…. Phew! Baby didn’t cooperate at first, and was facing downwards, we had to exit the room to wait for 15-20mins before the next attempt. I tell you, it’s very interesting one! I was told to toss to my left and right to try different positions so that our baby to turn around.. and the most interesting part was the sonagrapher had to vibrate the ultrasound device against my stomach.. haha.. it’s actually a lil’ painful but actually makes bb turn by creating vibrations. As bb turned over, I can see the nose bone, and hand was moving up and down… but too bad, still can’t tell gender yet!! Hehehehe.. the small dark room was filled with our laughter as we are staring at the screen, looking at our baby. ^.^
All I can say is, Pregnancy is a waiting game!! From trying to conceive, you need to wait for your ovulation day… and then you need to wait till you missed your period… then you need to wait till Week 8 to see a gynae for a scan, then you need to wait for your First Trimester mark for your pregnancy to be stable… and wait for the morning sickness to subside… and next, wait to find out your baby gender… then, a longer wait for your baby’s EDD and arrival… And that’s just the real beginning of a whole new life. You will be welcomed with a month of “Confinement” where you wait to get out of the house and wash your hair…. and till then? Endure the waiting game!!!!
P/s: When can I start eating sashimi???
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