寫 "漪" 生 活

Mayday 五月天 NOWHERE 诺亚方舟 3D



身為五迷的我,看了無數場五月天諾亞方舟,意猶未盡也永遠都不夠。現在終於有3D電影版,可以重溫歷歷在目的演唱會實況,真實開心到~~~~!既然我有幸被選中幫忙宣傳這部電影,當然要盡心盡力啦~ 朋友們,到電影院去看場演唱會吧!我的感覺是,我們不應該把它當電影看,應把它當一場演唱會看!!

而且五月天演唱會票怎麼可能這麼便宜,這麼輕易就買得到??一張入場票,才$24!!你還在等甚麼? 現在你可以點這裡,每張票附送你一份免費爆米花和Ben & Jerry雪糕。只屬這場,那麼的一場才有噢!9月29日,2點鐘場,地點於GV Jurong Point.



Hi friends and fans! Want to catch the latest Mayday 五月天 NOWHERE 诺亚方舟 concert movie on its opening weekend? Here’s a special promo for you!

Purchase tickets for the 29 Sept, 2pm screening of the above movie at GV Jurong Point, and get a free popcorn and Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream with each purchased ticket! (Valid only for this specific screening, while stocks last!)


Here’s how to enjoy the promo:
1. Click here to pre-purchase the tickets for the movie – (don’t buy tickets for the wrong show!)

To receive the freebies promo, you must purchase tickets for this stated screening session only. On 29 September itself, present your purchased tickets at the redemption booth near GV Jurong Point Box Office between 1pm to 1:45pm to redeem the free popcorn and ice cream.

P.S: When redeeming the promo items, remember to tell the redemption crew that you’re my supporter, cos if I get the most number of friends/fans/followers who attend the screening, then each of my supporters will also receive one complimentary movie pass for your next visit!

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