寫 "漪" 生 活

May 11, 2012
by ladysuki

iPhone HOME button not responding?

Haha.. I did a google and found out this amazing trick I want to share here!! Can’t believe it that I’ve been struggling with this unresponsive Home button for months~ just a few weeks after I got my iPhone4, I … Continue reading

April 30, 2012
by ladysuki

Melt ~ The World Cafe

Taking a break from the Japan entries…. I just remember I still have some photos we’ve taken this Valentine’s on our iPad! Haha, so I used 美图秀秀 to do some processing, and tada!!! 😀 Pail decided to bring me to … Continue reading

April 14, 2012
by ladysuki

Taipei 2011 :: 台中逢甲篇

从宜兰搭乘客运回台北,住了一晚。隔天又上了高铁飞奔台中,路程差不多一个钟头吧~ 不大记得了.. 天气不是太好,所以我有点担心,你看我在小黄计程车上的脸色就知道了。哈哈哈~ 眼看天快黑了啦,~_~ 话不多说,马上出发往台中彩虹村去! 彩虹村眷村 地址:台中市南屯區春安路56巷 理位置有些隱密, 我们搭乘小黄计程车到了,都几乎找不到,还以为拆了呢~~~ 彩虹眷村其实不一下子就逛完,地方不大,但却看得出都是老兵阿伯的心血~ 好像是需要大众筹款来帮忙眷村 整个村好彩色,看了心情大好! 虽然不是每一幅图画都看得懂,可是还是觉得很棒! 每每去台湾玩,都觉得看到旧旧的东西就觉得很亲切,很唯美。忍不住要多按记下快门。 突然发现相机没电了!只好靠IPHONENOGRAPHY啦~ 我本人还蛮喜欢这张合照的!嘻嘻~ 天也真的转暗了,玩够了。是时候回逢甲夜市大开杀戒了!

March 20, 2012
by ladysuki

Flowers of War 金陵十三钗

This is the official poster we see in all movie theatres.. from here, you see all the main characters of the film. Especially Christian Bale’s name, but actually he isn’t the main lead if you read the title of the … Continue reading

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