寫 "漪" 生 活

April 3, 2009
by ladysuki

Ok.. not Ok.. >.

Have I overworked my eyes? My left eye started itching.. then a bump started to swell.. I thought it was a mosquito bite, so i ignored it.. then after work.. the office is TOO COLD to stay any longer, so … Continue reading

February 10, 2009
by ladysuki

打个小广告~ ^-^

若有人有兴趣在新加坡买StayReal,可以光顾他们~ 服务态度和人都非常好!:D BIG CHICKEN DRUMLET – STAY REAL IN-STOCKS COLLECTION – 2009 NEW STYLE COLLECTION – 2008 STYLE COLLECTION 我之所以会打这个广告~ 原因很简单,因为我心存感激。 记得吗?前阵子,我不是想卖我的 STAYREALxHELLOKITTY 体恤吗?男-朋友们都没兴趣,我突发奇想,寄了封电邮给BIG CHICKEN DRUMLET.. 心想是碰碰运气罢了~ 怎么知道,他们马上就回复我!语气非常好,非常客气地说没问题,希望可以帮到我!叫我拍了张照片给他们看,然后就说会PO上网帮我卖~如果有买家,再通知我~ 我之前跟他们买过一个帽子~ 这件HELLOKITTY也不是向他们买的,他们却竟然这么帮忙!没有任何利益地帮忙~ 虽然PO了上网,也不知道卖不卖得出,可是,我已经心存感激了! 这世上,原来还是有好人的。

January 31, 2009
by ladysuki

continue to Stay Real..

My colleague got these for me from Taiwan. I’m keeping the pink one… Anyone interested in the STAYREAL x KITTY ROBOT (Male, White, M Size)?? Brand new, but too big for me.. intending to sell it… and perhaps, get a … Continue reading

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