One thing to note for all new home-owners, please remember to activate your SP Services account before your contractor starts work! hahaha… we forgotton all about that, and Mr K had to call me in the morning to ask me to do that… I was so kanjiong in office lor… almost wanted to arrange for SP Services Express Service at $54 and rush home to meet their technician. Fortunately, they had no available technicians, and I do not need to pay for Express Services. Mr K later asked his workers to turn it on themselves! Aiyo! They can actually do it, why need to pay SP Services? 😀
Some BEFORE pictures.. so that we can compare with the AFTER pictures later. =p
The Main Bedroom
New owners, take note of such uneven sink-in holes in the wall, there’s an exactly same thing in the living room too… grrrr.. now we have to spend extra $ to box them up… :S
After free cement screeding by HDB contractors, this is a Free-of-charge procedure if you have opt-ed out the flooring by HDB, and decided to go with laminates/parquet floor. Tip: Do this after hacking of walls!! We didn’t know, so we did it before! Haha…
Bedroom 3 – the room that I’m going to use before it’s converted to a Baby room in future.
Last look before hacking…
Bedroom 2 – Walls hacked!!
After hacking, the concealed power points look like these… so cute~~~ =p
After a month……
Why do I say that? Coz there was a hiatus after walls were hacked, we were busy looking for materials, like flooring, electrician and glass doors/windows… those hacked walls you see, are supposed to be replaced with black-framed glass doors/windows. The reason behind is, because of Pail and my lifestyle, we are soooo used to using the computer while watching TV, so we decided to plan this lifestyle into our home interior design. With the study room’s walls hacked, he can continue using his iMac while I watch TV in the living hall with my Macbook. Haha.. I know, many people replaced the wall with a piece of glass, but *no offence* we think it looks more like a fish tank, and also, it blocks off the sounds from TV. Anyway, after months of searching, we still dunno where to get the nice black frames to match our windows, we decided to KIV this “project”, the walls remained hacked, and now our hall is much more spacious than ever! 😀
Meanwhile, Our electrician came to start off on the electric works, and within a day, he got it all sorted. Mr K also introduced one of his staff to us, Aloysius. He will be mainly in charge of our project instead of K, well, K will still oversee the progress la… he’s coming up to our unit every week to check. But most details, we have to discuss with A, I think K is too busy. =,=
Next, Air Con Trunking.
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