寫 "漪" 生 活

February 25, 2009
by ladysuki

i must show some support here

Hey, he’s my bestest friend’s brother!!! Pls support!! 😀 UPDATES! He’s appearing at 09:00min.. Cool~~~

December 8, 2008
by ladysuki

::SCSM 2008 – missed it!

Yesterday CrazyGang met up.. but pix are not complete yet.. so I shall blog later. This is for today! We gave SCSM a miss this year.. but we were there to support our dear old friend, JS! Hee.. he challenged … Continue reading

September 2, 2008
by ladysuki

One week before the run..

This is one super back-dated post… before the run actually taken place, we went thru whole lotsa nonsense!! First, i met lui in the morning.. to collect some spree items.. and had BK breakfast.. heehe.. Then.. met up with Peiyu.. … Continue reading

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