寫 "漪" 生 活

Mother's Day 2011


This is another backlog that I’ve missed out in May.

Gathered at Taste Paradise, the Tan Family had full attendence on this day. While waiting for a table, we went shopping at the supermart in ION. Haha..

While everyone is seated in, the main attention was on the kids again. Sirui and Jayden. They are just such adorable kids, u know!! This cool little gal here, she doesn’t really smile or play with anyone of us, except Jayden. Haha.. is it some established connection only between kids? =p

There, Pail and his 流沙包 again!!! Ha! and of course the most important *precious* 全家福. =)
I also liked the corner pic alot.. of course we were trying take our reflections on the teapot, but accidentally got his parents’ reflections in too! Heee… *so cute*

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