寫 "漪" 生 活

Happy Fathers' Day!


Due to my co. trip on 18th June, we decided to celebrate the Father’s Day in advance. In a way, we also managed to avoid some of the crowds! Haha.. great. On the same day on Saturday, 11th June, we celebrated this occasion for two noble fathers. My dad, and Pail’s dad, lunch and dinner. Hahaaa..

Lunch was at Putien@Serangoon Nex

The food are good indeed!
Must find another chance to go eat more signature dishes la~~

Dinner was at Pinsi@Yishun Safra

We didn’t take many photos during the dinner, just 2, food and Sirui!
Hehe.. oh she is soooo cute! And I also added in a few shots of Pail..
See how very engrossed he is taking care of his shoes?
Those are new shoes he bought for our wedding! Hee..

Meanwhile… I’m still counting down..
Two more days to end the 7 days! =p

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