寫 "漪" 生 活

The Top 10 Questions


i’ve actually long got numb used to hearing them… so, my advise for all who still get frustrated is, you might want to see things in a different perspective and make it a fun thing. But how? How fun can such annoying questioning be? Well, it depends on how you see it lor… I shall treat them as idiots, whoever ask me these questions, is an idiot, count the idiots in your family? Hahaha.. how fun! And I shall count the number of questions hit out of these 10 questions I came out with (Thks Miss Irony for providing some ideas too!), the more hit, the more sense of satisfaction. Hahahaa..

Ok, there you go.

Qn 1: “你有没有男朋友(or 女朋友)?”

Qn 2: “你几时要带男朋友(or 女朋友) 来给我看?”

Qn 3: “你们几时要结婚?”

Qn 4: “你现在在哪里工作?”

Qn 5: “你今年有没有拿bonus? 拿多少?”

Qn 6: “你是不是胖了? (or 你是不是瘦了?)”

Qn 7: “你的男朋友家里还有什么人? 他做什么工的? 他几岁?”

Qn 8: “你们拿房子了没有?”

Qn 9: “你会不会跟家公家婆一起住? 会住靠近谁的家?”

Qn 10: “你们打算几时生孩子?(or 还要不要再生一个?)”

Yesterday was my reunion dinner with the family. I did a brief count, 6 out of 10 questions were hit!!! Hahaha! And how many idiots? So far, my counter is 5, I guess the number will continue to increase on Day One of CNY.. we shall see. 🙂

Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year to all and repeat this after me:

HUAT AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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