寫 "漪" 生 活

Taiwan 2010 – Day Six


The last day in Taipei.. we are heading home. Boohoooo~~ set alarm to wake up for breakfast, but I turned off the alarm, allowed ourselves to sleep till 10plus.. hahaa.. funny, why do I only hear alarm rings overseas? lol..

Remember the bento set we ate on Day Four? 意犹未尽就是这么一回事~ we headed back to the same place for more bento! Haha, this time the Hakka side at 馨记. Yummm yummm.. 客家人的梅菜扣肉! 吃!!! And they serve free flow of tea.. hohoho…

We still have NT dollars! Our usual practice is to spend everything, and later worry no money for cab to airport >.< This time, Ruyi reminded us to keep some for transport.. heh.. so we did our last minute shopping at Xi Men Ding. And head back to hotel to wait for the coach bus to send us to airport. Silly things happened again. We were supposed to pull our luggages by the roadside to wait. Then at 3pm, we saw this bus heading duno where, we told the driver, "Nope, we aren't boarding." The driver actually asked us a few times wanna board or not, we said no. The very last minute he mentioned AIRPORT! Then we say "Ah! Airport, YES!" walau~ almost missed the bus lor!! Cos there weren't any labels or company names on the bus!! Hahaha.. aiyah, this is a transit bus lah~ he is actually gonna drive us to another station to wait for the actual coach bus to airport, with the rest of the paasengers from different hotels. lol.. Sibeh 乌龙~~~

We specially left the shopping to airport to get some snacks home for the family! Hehehe.. And we are finally boarding SQ flight home again~~ Hoohohoh.. I agree totally with Miss Irony, we are spoilt, damn spoilt. LOL~ thanks to SQ great service and entertainment la! Hahahaa..

I had mixed feelings. As much as I want to head home, I do not want to head home. Because heading home meant GO BACK TO WORK on the next day! Ergh.. I still want holiday! hahahaa… but I truly wanna be home too. Hahahaaa…


Phew! All done!! Finally can work on SG entries……… *sweatz*


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