I’ve been attending so many wedding dinners lately. So I decided to merge all into one entry!!
First, Peipei and her partner took the lead on 14th November. They knew each other, and got together as an item in Citibank. They thought nobody knew about them, but actually everybody knew!! Haha.. I’ve never got to meet the groom until their wedding day. He’s so humorous and “Ok-ok”, he sure is capable of making Peipei laugh~ ^.^ Their Citibank colleagues pre-recorded a video collecting everyone’s blessings! So sweet!! And Singtel colleagues wise, only five of us turned up. Joey, Grace, Siewhwee, Siewying and myself. Hee.. Gals-talk. But do they need to go that far into how they try to get pregnant?? @_@ Mind you, there are another five strangers sharing the table, u noe.. lol. oh ya, I introduced J as their photographer, that’s why I got hold of the photos!! keke…

Next was Pail’s cousin’s wedding, which I’ve already blogged about here.
The very next day, Saturday 5th Dec ’09 here. (More pix on Facebook)

Lastly, was last night. 14th Dec ’09. Wedding Night of Eric Lim and Amanda. Hmmm.. This couple.. perhaps I could say.. I felt the most for them? I used to be such close friends with both the bride and groom. From before till after they became an item.. Everytime I look at them, I like to observe their own way of “being together”. How dependable and how they r used to each other by the side.. they might not know it themselves! =p

Steven, Siewying, Allan, Wendy, Tricia, Yongquan, Carol, Leticia, Honsing, Michelle and myself.. we had a gathering ourselves. Happily catching up with each other.. taking pictutes. Not knowing when’s the next gathering again ne? hehe.. still waiting for gotton more pix from Wendy, cos she brought her Canon 500D along! 😉
Seldom, I take so many pix at a wedding! Even group photos! Muahaha.. click to view larger!

Ok, bottoms up~ up up~~ I’ve already left, they continued drinking! =D

Phew~ finally published this way back-dated entry!!
*still trying to catch up with the other back-dated entries~ Happy Boxing Day!! ^-^