The dinner should have took place last week, but was postponed to Tuesday.. and finally Wednesday.. Haha.. cos first CY wasn’t feeling well, then my turn to fall sick.. so… we decided we shall have something “healthy and light”.. and somewhere nearby so that I can go home earlier~ and also watch 企鹅爸爸! Haha! So we are are AMK Hub MOF~~~ Heee… I took some pix from my iPhone, more taken with CY‘s cam. CY is supposed to pass us the loots from her Korea trip.. hee hee… got my sunblock powder! Hohohoho… hope it’s good! :p
We had fun catching up.. and gossiping. Hehehe.. and I think we very “AUNTIE” leh… went to the NTUC Fair at the AMK HUB. And we bought instant OR AH MEE SUA… highly recommmmended by CY. Haha! I am going to cook it someday.. but I do not have vinegar leh.. can I borrow from neighbour? LoL~ soooo *aunty*!! =p
Anyway, a funny conversation of the night..
once we got seated at MOF.. (KK i.e.Keowlin)
KK: 巫培漪,听说你要结婚啦!
Me: O_O 你从哪里听来的?!?!?!!
KK: 听说咯~ 我是要告诉你,我不在新加坡,不能出席hor!
Me: O_O 没有啦!你从哪里听来的!?!?!?!?
KK: Sunny lorr…
Me: O_O 怎么可能Sunny知道,你会不知道!?又是谁告诉他的?!?!?!
KK: Grace lorr…
Me: O_O 应该是搞错了吧!是佩佩要结婚啦!
KK: 不是啦.. 佩佩还没寄邀请卡, 他就跟我说了!
Me: O_O 那..我真得不知道为什么了..
KK: 我还以为, 你怎么那么神秘,藏得那么好!
Me: O_O 哎哟~ 就算有消息, 也不会是先传到Sunny/Grace那里得啦!
this is how rumour starts and spreads. >.< After reading this, people are still asking me the same question!! At first I tot I was just sharing an amusing conversation, but I am surprised so many of you to come and ask me about marriage. This is getting ridiculous..
I do not know who started this, I do not appreciate it.
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