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The R Burger


I want to recommend u all something new in town~~ hehehe.. It’s located at Orchard Ion basement 4.. The R Burger!!

The R Burger

Quote from the The R Burger website:
“..Another distinctive feature of R Burger is its use of marine collagen as part of its ingredients. While not at all uncommon in Japan, R Burger remains the first hamburger café to put collagen in their buns. This helps to stimulate collagen production in our body and reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles and fine lines, encouraging skin renewal.”

The burger looked pale to me at first, I thought it would taste like how it looked. Well, never judge a bao by it’s skin colour! It looked like those chinese baos, but no lor~ its meat and the bun itself is all soooooo tender.. and soft and juicy.. HMmmmmmmmmmmmm and it has collagen!! Haha! Yummmmmy!! 😀


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