Here is how shagged we looked last Thursday..

Hohoho.. three of us have been busy.. busy.. busy! So there is ALOT of catching up to do.. There, u see.. Tricia starts to share the “cooking-in-pantry” story~~ full of expressions… meanwhile, having fun grinding the sesame seeds…

Heee.. and our dinner of the night is Tonkichi Pork and Salmon Skin Sushi ~
this Tricia verrrry funny.. see below conversation~ *ROFL

Conversation 1
Tricia: I think this pork not very well cooked leh.. 咬不断的lor!!
Suki: Huh.. mine is ok leh.. u want to call for the waitress?
Suki: Hmmm is Pork Loin supposed to be like that?? Mine ok leh..
Tricia: Ya lor.. I think mine alot of loin..
Suki: *Dazed* Missy, we ordered pork loin set leh! of course there is loin..
Tricia: Oh issit? Orhhhhhhhhhhh….. no wonder..
*continues chewing her pork with much difficulty
Conversation 2
Waitress: Hi ladies, your dessert is Oranges, would you like to top up to Coffee Jelly or Ice Cream?
Tricia: Coffee Jelly? What’s Coffee Jelly?
Suki: *Stunned* again
Waitress patiently explains to Tricia on the Coffee Jelly
Tricia: Ohhhhhh….. so Coffee Jelly is coffee de jellly ah…
Suki: YA LAH!! 你在干嘛? >.<"
I think she is overworked.. or over-stressed.. tooo tired.
Gal ahh... you need to give yourself a break man~~ R - E - L - A - X abit!!!!!!
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