寫 "漪" 生 活

Sukirony's Saturday


It’s been a long time since Sukirony met up for shopping!! Hee.. both of us are feeling tired at work, tat we almost took a day off to go out, but realized it was Sundown’s runner-kit collection day. Ok lah.. buck up and continue to work.. meet on Saturday!! Hehee..

Starving again.. I decided we shall have PUMPKIN FRIES again! :p


Irony is starving too!

吃饱饱了!Off to collect our runner-kit!!

Suntec Underpass

We saw this Aquarium display at Suntec basement.. Hmm.. Interesting. See the fish admiring his own reflection? According to Prof odinChoy, it’s a Lion Fish 也称 狮子鱼. 🙂

Arrived at Millenia Walk, Great! No Queues.. hehe.. but u will see how 10K runners aren’t being respected >.< On the race routes, there is no labels for 10K runners, at the collection counters, 10K runners queue line labels was handwritten.. while the Full and Ultra Marathon runners had printed ones!! GRRrrrr... but on second thoughts, maybe they were unprepared lah.. cos this was the first time round they added the 10K category lah.. Hehehe.. AT LEAST we all got the runner tee in our desired size!! Hee.. Sundown Collection

Ok now we need some sugar rush to start the day.. hee.. SINFUL!

Ok.. no pix for shopping…. until DINNERTIME!!!

We actually forgotton the time and missed the evening hour to visit the Green Room… so we went over to TCC at Orchard Intl Bldg instead. 😀

Soup of the day: Cream of Broccoli

Main Course: Shrooms Spagetti

Dessert (Oops~ I forgot the name!)

Poor Irony wasn’t feeling well…..

Hee.. tats all. More pix on Facebook, and from Irony..

On the way home, got a call from odinChoy.. LOL~ they’re going to share cream puffs with me!! I was afraid of troubling them, but they insist coming up my house! Muahahahaha…. so happy!!! Hohohoho… and tat explains the next entry!

UPDATES (11:47PM Just got the pix from Irony)

See? This is what I meant!!
Sundown Collection

Nearly went to Marmalade at Palais.. but nth special except for the pricey price!

Being a photographer, u don’t get to appear much in photos~ :p

How can we not cam-whore rite? 😀

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