寫 "漪" 生 活

闲里装忙 How to Survive in an Office?



绝对不能让别人有任何 “你很闲” 得可怕年头。


1. 公文袋与档案夹能堆多高就堆多高,让别人知道有多少事在等着你处理

2. 在四周贴满便利贴,让人觉得你有上百件事需要备忘

3. 桌上放个时钟,占空间又可当表演道具,

4. 文件最好多到让抽屉合不起来

5. 放件小外套可让人觉得你熬夜加班需要保暖(放睡袋效果更好!)

6. 偶尔可放些没吃完的食物在四周,让人觉得你连好好把饭吃完的时间都没有

7. 桌上可放些维他命或药丸,让人觉得你要靠这些才能维持你的生命

8. 摊开的书,切记一定要与工作有关,

9. 可以将『蛮牛』等提神饮料空瓶放在垃圾桶,但位置要让路过的人能看得到

10. 放点简单的梳洗用具,可以增加熬夜加班的错觉

In English
People say, 『忙里偷闲居酒屋,闲里装忙真功夫』。

You have to always leave an impression to your boss that you are the BUSIEST person in the office, and NEVER let anyone to even think you might be free.

Listen to me, mess up your working desk, as messy as possible!

Why? Because a busy man will never have time to own a neat and clean desk!

1. Pile up your documents, files and folders, as tall as you can.. This will show how overloaded you are.

2. Stick-on notes. Paste as many as you can all over your cubicle, this will show how many tasks you have on hand.

3. Place a clock in your cubicle, this acts as an important acting tool. From time to time, stick up your head to look at the time, with a “time not enough” expression.. you may now carry on with your MSN.

4. Fill up your drawers with documents, until you can’t even close the drawers.

5. Hang a jacket on your chair to show that you are working overtime at night, you need to keep yourself warm. (How about a sleeping bag?!)

6. Leave leftover food on the desk, people will think you are too busy to even eat!

7. Place some Vitamin pills and medicine on the desk, show that you need them to survive.

8. Flip reference books, and never close them. Highlighting a few lines will do a better effect.

9. Throw Red Bull or Brand Essense empty bottles to show that you are tired from all the work.

10. Leave cleansing or changing stuffs in office, to show that you work overnight!

Some MSN Nicks to share…

若是你在公司无法使用MSN, 我真是替你感到惋惜。

表达的意思就是: 怎样都是忙到死..

Here are some tips on how to MSN in office though..
Ooops, MSN blocked in your office? Too bad for you…

1) No matter how lovey-dovey you engaged in a MSN conversation,
you gotta type with a frown, so that u will look like u are working hard!

2) MSN Nicks should not be too straightforward yet humourous and appealing.

3) Try using this MSN display picture.. it works in any other way u read it!


大家最常用的招数: 上厕所/倒水喝


Admit it, we all feel sleepy in office.. during working hours. But what to do, you can’t sleep openly right! So you gotta be on the move to stay awake!

Most common hangout areas: Gents/Ladies/Pantry

Heh.. hey there are tactics too~! Always leave your seat in a rush, holding a document or file.. You will look like you are on the way to some other department but actually nowhere! Frown when necessary to look like you are tied up in some work issues to resolve! 😀


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