寫 "漪" 生 活

Crystal's big day..


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ok.. i admit.. i do not know remember the name of the bride until yesterday itself. u know.. how cousins will distanced over the years.. what’s more, we weren’t really close since young! At the wedding itself, she also say she can’t recognise me! Haha! It’s ok lah.. so her name is Crystal (Peiying.. very similar to my name! :D)

I merely remember many many years ago, when there was a period I frequently “shown face” in Hougang.. there is this one time I had a very great time with her.. back then, I can’t even recognise a soul in the big family, but she was always so friendly and nice.. Hehe.. and so many years later, I was sitting at her wedding! Haha.. and being arranged to sit with HQ and a bunch of considerably “younger” working uncles/aunties, there is certainly no problem communicating. ^^ On the whole, dinner was enjoyable, food was nice too.. but the funny thing is, reviews I heard from another table commented the food sucked totally.. Haha.. I guess.. it’s the atmosphere and company u have when you eat bah.. the food naturally tasted better when u feel happy!! Hehee..

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