寫 "漪" 生 活



In Singlish, when one has lack of sleep..
we always say: “wah very stone leh.. stoning liao lah… zZZ”
(Pls note: I’m not talking about the defination of “Stoning” you can find at Wikipedia ok)

Indeed, Stoning is an ideal way of working yet not working.

Your bosses/colleages walk past your work desk, they see you staring at the laptop screen, you seem like you are thinking hard. “Wow, she must be stuck figuring out some programming logics. Better leave her alone.” So they will think you are very tied up at work, hence, will not come talk to you.

Nevertheless, there are still some idiots, will come over…
“Suki.. ask u ahh… the user request that day horr..” Blah blah blah..
Actual fact is, you see the idiot’s lips moving, but your mind don’t seems to translate their words. So you tell her, “Sorry, I’m stoning busy now, can I look for u later?”

I suggest you go to the toilet, wash up the face, and you are ready to look for the idiot now. For ladies who put on make-up, it might not be convenient to really splash water lah.. so pls go to any Watsons/Guardian and purchase a bottle of evian facial spray. IT WORKS well for a short while! 😀

So, dear friends… Happy Stoning!!!
Care to share more tips for stoning without being noticed?

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