As usual, chatting with VT in the mornin..
Guess what… 我太没有型了!Shit~
So.. my dear friends, come do me a favour!
我需要定一个型~! 到底要走什么路线?
I AM LOST!!!! :O
动感路线? sporty type?
气质型路线?elegant type?
才女路线?Talented type?
好兄弟路线? brudder-brudder type
性感路线?sexy type?
感性路线?emotional type?
狐狸精路线?ThirdParty type?
安静路线?shy-shy-quiet-quiet type?
阳光路线?Sunshine-girl type?
可爱路线?Cute-cute type?
宅女路线?Homely type?
便利贴(随传随到) 简称:没个性? Anything/Unimportant type?
耍酷路线?Cold-and-Cool type?
风骚路线?Flirty type?
傻大姐路线?Blur-Blur type?
神经婆路线?Crazy type?
— Any Others – pls specify —
Drop me a comment to vote!! Give some face horrr…… 😀
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