寫 "漪" 生 活



Yea~~~ it’s FRIDAY!!!!

Since last nite, hv been browsing and browsing.. searching and searching.. i like to follow my mood to do certain things. Like suddenly in the mood of a hairdo, i will start finding nice styles or colors then call to make an appt. Suddenly in the mood of shopping, I will browse every single online store to find something to buy. Suddenly in the mood of running, I can run on and on.. sweat and sweat! Haha! today I suddenly got into mood of changing the blog layout again. hee.. is it nice… heh heh.. realise that is not a question mark.. that means i don’t wish to hear negative remarks! Hahahaa…

Anyway… i still went for the run at stadium today. Heeee… felt soooo great after all the sweat~ 😉

Time for some 没天没夜 HK drama serial chasing~~
Currently watching 郭晋安,郭羡妮 《古灵精探》. ^.^


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