It’s been a year since 24.12.2011, today is our first wedding anniversary!

Pail and I decided to have a little staycation at Oasia Hotel. We were attracted by the pictures of their Club room with Club Amenities on the Agoda website. Hee hee.. initially, Pail wanted to book MBS hotel for us, but the price was too crazy, we felt it wasn’t worth it.
Checked in to Oasia on Saturday afternoon, it was a 2D1N staycation. Weeee… but we were quite disappointed with the size of the room, good thing there was still a King size bed available. The bed was great, a Simmons one! but.. their pillows were either too high and hard, or too flat and soft.. with poor support for our necks. Nowadays, we care about PILLOWS alot, i think its our age. =,=”
The view was great… what more can we expect, we are in Singapore.
I loved the huge glass window, couldn’t stop sitting by it looking at the view.
Nespresso coffee machine is fun!!
My new H&M bag bought from SALE $4 9 $20! 😀
Trying to see who’s uglier?
Haha.. still must have a pretty shot after all the ugly ones. :p
Since It was meant to be a staycation, so we didn’t wanna step outta room at all, we called for room service dining. The food was not too bad, just abit pricey.. but it’s ok. Anyway the food was from Zaffron Restaurant in the hotel.
Pictures taken at 06:00pm and 10:00PM 😀
After dinner, we made our way down to Level 22 The Living Room; in the lift.
Here, they served complimentary cocktails/beverages and desserts from 6pm to 8pm daily, the staff offered to take pictures for us.. and chat with us..
We invented this「另类合照」during Japan honeymoon.. haha! oh ya, the swimming pool was amazing. Too bad we didn’t have swimwear!!
Later of the night, while watching movie on ipad, the doorbell rang, we received a photo framed and wrapped up beautifully, with a sincere hand-written card and hand-signed greetings!! I really love such details the hotel staff looked into, keep it up, Oasia.
Something to take note, load lotsa movies on iPad if you are visiting Oasia, coz their TV channels are quite boring. Just HBO and Star Movies.. not much chinese entertainment is available. =p
Next morning, breakfast at The Living Room Too..
After breakfast, I took out the lil’ gift I prepared for Pail. Heee… I got him a Kindle, coz he likes to read on the train everyday, and it’s somethin he’s been wanting to get… haha! I loved seeing his surprised and happy face. Simply ♥. I guess we are just the same type of people who can splurge on gifts for our loved ones, but just not for ourselves. Ha..
We are sitting by the window again.. him playing with the new game, while I’m relaxing.. waiting to check-out.
心里难免还是有点小失望小懊恼,我尽然给感冒了!*打喷嚏*全身酸痛*完全无力。还得去上班,可恶的公司还不放半天假!ARGH~ 我明年一定要预先请假!我不管!哈哈,毕竟是我们第一年的结婚纪念日,我可是满心期待了几个月呢~ 再怎么说,好歹也是平安夜嘛… 直到前一晚,我问起隔天晚餐要吃什么啊,要打扮吗?嘻嘻~ 老公才说不知道,上网找点子吧 (什么?还没想好??就这样过吗??我不要啊~~) 最后, 我提议不如到我们每年都会回去的SATSUMA JAPANESE DINING去吧…… 就这样,我们度过了第一年的婚姻生活。快乐中带点小小的失望,幸福中带点小小的遗憾,这就是完美的现实生活。:)
365 天 的 快 乐,天 天 都 有 你
365 天 的 幸 福,天 天 因 为 你
这是老公在午夜12:00写的,可是当晚,我已经吃了药昏睡到不懂哪里去了~~~ 哈哈~
Adding pictures from our dinner..
Great food as always at Satsuma..
Dessert was at nearby TCC, very niceeeee…
Taken at Satsuma by staff