寫 "漪" 生 活

updates for the week..


Treating your body too well doesn’t train it to become stronger, in fact, it will became weaker! So this few days, I’ve been “training” it.. nope.. not by jogging.. -___-

hahaa.. been having late nights again.. strange leh .. night time simply flies, dunno why.. haha.. damn tired the next day but bobian, been damn busy at work recently.. then the cycle goes round, at night i still sleep as late!!

(i oso dunno what the hell i am trying to do)

Indeed a great movie. Hee.. 抢钱,抢粮,抢娘儿们!=D

there was no class this week, but i went for a sashimi buffet and shopping till 10+ with Tricia. Hoho.. the two of us ah… indeed sushi junkies! I merely sent her a Sashimi Buffet url link, and within a few minutes, we arranged to go for it that night. lol.. i love such spontaneous arrangements! after the sumptuous dinner (but we still prefer Sushi Tei.. hee), we shopped and shopped.. walked and walked.. i suspect that’s why i’m experiencing strains on my left knee cap now. -_-”

met up with Dez and Mei for Warlords movie. FINALLY.. keke.. u noe such movies ah.. it’s nv easy to find the right kaki who can appreciate it. i’ve been longing to catch it coz my bro graded this his Best Movie of The Year! haha.. indeed.. 大哥是对的~! oh man.. but i was weird ytd, maybe lack of sleep really 容易上火, i felt so restless and pissed off over very minor things.. hehe.. my eyelids couldn’t open at all so i decided to skip lunch totally just to sleep that 1 hour. i din had any other food lehh, except that cup of milo in the morning. coz our movie was at 9.30pm, i tot i could go home for a proper dinner, but end up.. worked OT until 7+, reach home also 8+ ler.. changed and headed for the movie ler.. HUNGRY!!! tot we could hv some good prata there.. BUT the prata stall say NO MORE! only KOSONG left! darn amk hub… after movie, back home hohoho, realized i din spend a single cent at all! wahahahaha.. dez paid for movie, mei paid for prata.. paiseh paiseh.. pay u guys another day (if i remember. lol). =p

i.e. today. By right, there is class, but i am going left. Meeting lui to Orchard! keke.. plan to see if i can do some xmas shopping la.. see? no rest again. hahaha.. Hmmmm tmr is public holiday, but no rest too… hahaha coz I’ve a church wedding to attend, early in the morning at 10am!!! Oh man.. asking me to wake up so early on a holiday is simply inhuman… can i not go? =p

some quick updates here…

Haha.. By the way.. i’m cravings for chips again! =p

Craving for Some Chips?

and here is a video revealing the secret to how magicians play with boxes!!!

10:00am – Jocelyn’s Church Wedding (Congrats!)
Meetup with Yu

08:30am to 05:30pm – Work
Nighttime – Kohsters Party

Meetup with Xian/Yanz

Perhaps finally can have some rest before Xmas? keke..

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