寫 "漪" 生 活

April 3, 2023
by ladysuki



好久沒寫寫東西了,最近Web Host到期了,本来想算了,把网页收了算了,后来又不舍得,还是续约了。既然续了约,不如把这篇在去年写了一半的文章给写完吧! 到底疫情如何改变了我(们)?

從前,我幾乎從來不下廚的 我不喜歡 也不懂得如何煮一桌的飯菜。從前的廚房和冰箱都是空空的,偶爾想下廚才去買菜,偶爾想烘焙才去買材料。但是現在,廚房和冰箱都是滿滿的,一空了 就會想填滿它!現在要下廚煮飯給家人吃 已經難不倒我了,而且我是享受烹飪的!哈哈。。這樣的我,還不算改變了我的性格嗎?


轉眼間,這樣的生活,也過了三年的時間了。你問我習慣了沒?我好像習慣了,也完全接受這樣的生活了。當然 我還是嚮往以前的自由;不用戴口罩的我們,不用一直消毒,可以讓小孩到處跑,到處碰東西,和人擁抱!現在一旦看到人稍微多點的地方,我都快要恐慌症了。雖然現在不用戴口罩了,反而是我們還是選擇戴,也逼我小孩戴!

疫情 確確實實把大家都關在家裡 逼著大家認真對待這個屋子裡每個角落 逼著大家認真對待這個家。從一開始的居家辦公 大家以為過幾個禮拜就會回公司了,怎麼知道,就這樣,兩年了。我們的房子根本不是為了居家辦公設計的,所以並沒有辦公桌 或舒服的椅子。我這個人啊,都這把年紀了,我只想要讓自己活的舒服自在~ 也慶幸公司支持我們,資助了我們把家裡的設備搞好,一切都以ERGONOMICS为主!也在这段时间里,我勇敢地踏出了舒适圈,换了一份工作,离开了之前待了八年的公司!连我都佩服我自己了~哈哈!甚至出了两次的公干,一次到了美国 ! 一次到了日本东京!但是我更佩服我老公,多虧了他的支持,其實他也真的LEVEL UP了,竟然能够自己一打二,照顾自己和两个孩子,是不是很厲害?

但是,不難發現這几年 常常聽到身邊夫妻吵架甚至離婚 受不了對方 感情变淡了 變差了嗎?我和很多朋友聊天 都覺得是因为两个人被逼面對24小時,從前每天早上出去工作,忙碌了一整天,一天裡發生很多事,見到很多人,要看到彼此與共處 就只有晚上的時間,週末的時間。但是可能現在的新生活呢,是要從早到晚都我看你 你看我,所有的生活習慣 或許人也變懶惰了,很多小細節都忽略了惡,想必应该是因為這樣 產生了不少摩擦和生活上的衝突吧?老實說人待在家久了 也會覺得悶,會覺得煩躁,會失去耐心。再加上如果有孩子,很多COVID BABY也在这几年诞生的啊,哇 不得了啦~ 怎麼不瘋掉?哈!但是這段時間 最活得自在的人就是像我老公的人,越宅在家裡 越是自在;既不用去公司、也不用交際應酬,完全正和他意!我好像也慢慢適應了,而且是完全适应 觉得太爽了,這種宅在家裡的生活!哈哈,一大清早,他負責送兩個小孩上學後,回來我才睡醒,然後我们就会冲咖啡 开始新的一天,準備上班。。 是的 这几年学到的新技能不止烹饪,还有冲咖啡 拉花!我们很自在地各自做自己的工作,午餐時間到了 就訂午餐 或出外吃飯,等到我的下班時間到了 我就去煮晚飯,他就去接小孩,晚上孩子睡了,我会有NIGHT CALL 和美國那邊開會,最遲11點結束,一天也就這樣過去了。還不錯嘛!我們也就這樣平凡地度過了我們結婚十年 和 十一年的結婚紀念日。原本想像的十週年應該是要很慎重的,但是過了也就這樣過了,好像也還好嘛,平凡簡單也是一種幸福。


March 23, 2022
by ladysuki





不知不覺當上“媽咪”這個身份已經兩年多了。2017年的5月 是她第一天上學。我請了3天假,陪她進課室適應適應。沒想到,這第一個星期 安然度過 一點哭聲都沒有。除了第四天 我不在場,老師說她午睡睡不著,其餘的都還好。甚至我早上的drop-off,她也頭也不回跟我說Byebye就走進學校了!

正當我覺得她好瀟灑 好勇敢 好棒時,事情180度轉變。她開始天天嚎啕大哭!由於斷斷續續地 又病了 又是公定假日 又是週末,我們也不想那麼早7點鐘就讓她在那裡等,要等到8.30才開始上課,所以決定一早把她帶到奶奶家,奶奶遲些才把她帶到學校去。這真的是我走錯了一步啊!好後悔!她奶奶帶她第三天上學去的時候 她就開始抱緊不放 還大哭求饒。不曉得到底是怎麼了~ 害怕學校了。到校門口就開始大哭,我們也搞不清楚狀況。

又過了一個週末,今天還是由我自己帶上學吧!可是,有時候,變了就是變了,不是換個手就能回到原來的瀟灑啊。嗨!所以說 一切都不要掉以輕心啊!怎麼辦呢~誰有好的建議教教我嗎?我看她哭著被強行抱進去,然後一整天都不吃不喝地,臉貼著玻璃門 看外面 彷彿心裡在叫媽媽救她。好心碎啊~ 不過,話説回來,我真心(單方面)覺得自己帶的那個星期 我們母女建立起了革命情感,哈哈哈哈哈!我知道經歷過的媽媽們都說 這是必經之路 總會適應的!辦法是否只有一個 就是讓她哭 哭久了就會適應嗎?真的是這樣嗎?嗨!她的同學最多也就是在門口哭哭一下 進教室就沒事了,可是她還是久久不能平復呢~ 老師也拿她沒辦法!

不過!我們的堅持總算看到了成績,有了回報。 應該足足過了至少一個月?她順利恢復到第一個星期的瀟灑。 現在偶爾生病一周后,或是我們帶她出國玩后,回到學校早上還是又會哭一下下,但我知道她在學校時愉快的,因爲下午接她放學時是快樂的!唯一無法適應的心疼 就是小孩上學后常常生病!發燒 感冒 幾乎是每隔兩個星期就會發生的事,真不知道要怎樣避免~~~~嗨!從上學至今,眼看她成長與進步了好多好多~ 學會了唱歌 學會了手舞足蹈~ 最可貴的是學會了説話!現在的我們能和她交談了呢~ 好可愛的對話,媽咪 我 會銘記于心的。:)

今時今日2022年的小芝麻都已經從幼稚園畢業 上小學了呢!哈哈。。時光飛逝啊!小學一年級的頭一天,我又是戰戰兢兢,心情忐忑不安,但是心情是不同於送她上幼稚園那種擔憂的。反而是興奮,開心,好奇,又有點傷感。因為疫情的關係 小孩都要自己走進學校,我也只能陪她走到集合的操場。但起碼她自己也很開心 也很興奮 只是在說再見時 有點不捨得的。我們送她上學後,就回家,等消息。。學校安排了 直播!看到了她,我們彷彿看到大明星一樣興奮!哈哈哈哈。。。 可惜 她學校在RECESS是不准他們到飯堂吃飯,只允許買了食物 回課室自己座位吃。不曉得第一天她會不會交到朋友呢 她心裡會感到害怕嗎?心裡一萬個問號,想要問她。。但是以我們對她的了解就是,我們不想過於的放大這一切,希望在“裝沒事”的當兒,就過了。。她可能會比較好適應一切吧。終於等到了下課,我們一起到學校外等她 接她。。 一起陪她走到student care,我還是問了她許多問題,她都說很好,適應的不錯,就是沒機會交到什麼朋友 但是一切都很OK。我们是希望她能完整的走完一整天的行程,若是有哪里不适应 或需要我,至少我是拿了假 无需担心有工作的。

就这样,她也上了将近3个月的小学,老師選她當小班長,她非常開心。有點責任感也好,我只能说 fingers crossed, it’s so far so good! 基本上,除了常常弄丟東西,所有功课由她自己负责,我的基本要求是她要在student care都做完,除了上网的作业,没办法,我们可以周末再给她用电脑做。看着她小小年紀学习用滑鼠与打字,實在是太令人感动了。。。

心裡只能默默地希望她懂事,懂得選擇朋友,即使結交了壞朋友 也要懂得是非對錯。這個比較重要吧?因為我深深相信不管讀什麼學校,都會有壞朋友的存在,比較重要的是 小孩如何分辨對錯。有一天,我聽她從口裡無心地說出W T F三個字,我真的傻眼。她根本不懂什麼意思。我很嚴肅地告訴了她,這是不好的話,不許再講。她口頭上答應了,但是隔了幾天,又聽她講了一次,又再次很嚴厲地告訴她不許再講,她再次答應了。Sigh… we shall see how it goes.



January 15, 2019
by ladysuki

Birth story of Oliver

As many say.. you may go through different experience in different pregnancies/labor. It may get easier the second time.. or it may not! Throughout the pregnancy, I was carrying Vera, bending up and down to pick her/her toys.. certainly walking alot. I was having images in my mind, will there be a possibility for me to experience natural labor contractions at work due to all these movements. Or at home, maybe I have to rush in for a quick shower, activate Pail to come home from work, and send Vera to my in-laws… and so on. Nope, no chance at all. Oliver is growing so well inside me.. he seems to be much bigger than his Jiejie. So our gynae advised that it is safer if we can induce labor one week before full-term, so as to minimise any horrible things from happening, so.. ok la.. CHILL! Hospital bag all packed, nothing much to bring actually.. This time round, we signed up with Cryoviva for cord blood banking, so there was one more item to bring in the hospital bag, i.e. their box. Ok ready, get set Go!

It felt good that everything is under control.

On 15th March, early in the morning, we sent Vera to school and headed to the hospital… Too early. We have prepared bread to munch on while waiting for the clinic to open. At 9am sharp, we went in and started immediately to monitor my contractions.. which I haven’t felt at all. 46 minutes later, Dr Wong came to insert The Pill.. wow! I’m 1cm dilated already. Things are progressing faster yet less panicky as the first time, we were told to head out for lunch. Just be back at 1pm to get admitted for the real show.

Contractions began to kick in tremendously.. I found it difficult to walk even before we managed to find a place to eat at Novena Sq. We settled for Mos Burger and went to have a good Aveda hairwash. The contractions were so bad we headed back at 12..

Waiting in the Birth room… bring it on!

By 2pm, I was 3cm dilated. In another two and half hours later, I was 5cm dilated. I requested for Dr Yvonne to perform anesthesia and epidural for me this time. Super thankful for my colleague’s recommendation because this time it was sooo well done and the discomfort level was reduced by ALOT, as compared to the first time. Of course, the shaking and cramps were still there, but it was already muchhhh better, really! Especially with Pail beside me, I bet he didn’t know how much energy he gave me! To all hubbies out there, your presence is very very important to your wife you know! You are not there to just take some photos, but you are there to grip her hand and give her support!

I also thank the midwide nurse who broke my waterbag further.. that really got things, I mean Oliver, moving! Hee.. Meanwhile, my gynae was delivering for another Mummy in the delivery room beside, but my dilation seems to be toooo expedited, I was 10cm dilated already!!!! I was shocked.. Huh?! 5cm in like 30minutes!!? What??!! Baby is coming!? My gynae had to rush over and in one push… yes ONE PUSH!! Oliver was born!!!! He beat his sister by a lil’ bit at birth weight, he’s almost 3.6kg, 52cm and 35.5cm head circumference!

Because I kinda “cut queue” and hijacked my neighbour in the delivery ward beside, my gynae had to run back to continue with her after Oliver is out. The nurses cleaned him.. and left us in the ward for almost an hour.. I earned lotsa skin-to-skin contact with him! Yay!!

I could have delivered a pair of twins.

One week later, review all OK with Dr Joycelyn Wong.!

Today is 15th Jan 2019, Oliver turns 10 months old. And everything just seemed like it took place yesterday, I swear it wasn’t an easy ten months that flew past, because this boy ahh… gave us so many new problems that I felt like a first time mom. hmm, let me talk about it in the next entry, let this entry stays a dedicated post about his birth story. 🙂

July 10, 2018
by ladysuki

The Second time… does it gets easier?

Today is my first day back to work after 16 weeks of maternity leave.. with heavy yet haste footsteps, once again, back to a working-pumping mom.

I always wanted to write about my second pregnancy, how to cope with Pregnancy and a Terrible Two toddler… but only managed to do it now in the nursing room. I guess it doesn’t get easier even when it’s the second time. In fact, it’s much more difficult! I felt more shocked and scared than happy when I first know I’m pregnant again.

Oh shit, is this real or not??

Well well.. when it’s the second time, I am a lil bit less excited, I shared a lil bit lesser on our Fb/Ig, and I am a lil bit less wary of being pregnant, I am a lil more worried about Vera, but I did become a lil braver and stronger so time passes a lil faster this way. Even for Daddy Pail, the day I told him i was pregnant, he went out to sing Ktv w his colleagues! See the difference? Haha.. but he still made it a point to accompany me to every single check-up! 😉

Vera was just about to turn two years old, and beginning to show all the terrible two syndromes that drove both Pail and me off crazy and mad and angry every single day… It was a time where we need to introduce Rules and Punishment to her world.

Looook what she has done, and that face!

Both Pail and I lost our temper for god-knows how many times whenever Vera was trying to test our limits, and even though I am pregnant, with all the morning sickness kicking in.. there is no leeway. She only cries and wants Mummy to carry, she became more unreasonable than before.. I was all the time bending up and down, carrying her.. altho Pail tries to do most of the carrying (i wasn’t able to use the baby carrier at all), she only became even more clingy to me than before.. Especially BEDTIME BATTLES. Only Mummy can go to bed with her, she cries big time when it’s Daddy. Even if it’s just passing a milk bottle. I got so worried that how am I ever gonna cope with two crying babies at bedtime every night???? Reay fustrated whenever I hear her say “I don’t want Papa!”, and it’s also hard on Papa because which parent likes to hear that at all?!

Whoever told me 2 years is a good gap to have another child, either you must have forgotton how tough it is to survive the pregnancy with a two-year old, or your elder child is such an angel, or your pregnancy was a super easy one?

That’s the little seed. 😉

With my gynae’s approval, we went ahead with our Melbourne trip even before first trimester ends!! Haha!

No regrets at all! Only thing was I couldn’t eat poached eggs, and drink coffee. Boo! But it was still fun, as it was our first time travelling with Allen and Wanqi, and it was FUN esp. for Vera!! They are such great travelling partners, helping to take care of Vera, and me too.

Thankfully, thankfully.. all the scans and tests I did in this pregnancy were ok, I also did the Harmony blood test after 12 weeks, that was for checking Downs, which could also tell us the gender of our baby. 🙂

To be honest, deep in my heart, I thought and hoped for a girl soooo much, I wanted a sister for Vera…… So I was quite disappointed to know, it was a boy. The whole world says Girl and Boy is just nice, is great, is wonderful. But maybe because I longed for a sister myself, I hoped to give Vera a sister too. Practically, I felt so sad that all the pretty clothes and shoes that Vera has outgrown, cannot be passed to her brother now. 🙁 And our flat only has 2 bedrooms, which means, we need get a bigger flat so that they can have their own bedrooms in future! Even thinking of a boy’s name was soo much more difficult, we didn’t have any feel for any boys’ names… but finally settled with Oliver, just a few days before I popped.

Meanwhile, in Sept, we celebrated our birthdays! Oh Oliver, sorry we didn’t managed to make your birthday fall in Sept. But you get your very own birthday month while your Daddy, Mummy and Jiejie has to share one birthday month. ;p

Oh ya, this pregnancy, I can drink plain water, no need Fiji water anymore!! Haha… but before I got too happy, I had another very weird pregnancy syndrome that no one else I know had before.. I STRICTY can’t take anything sweet or strong flavoured, at all! Those tastes only leave me with a very very bitter and disgusting taste that caused me nausea and want to puke. My taste buds simply went crazy, in fact, I was only able to take citrus fruits that I hated all my life, I actually craved to eat the most sour and bitter grapefruit everyday! Wth… I can’t even eat an apple, banana, papaya.. or drink any sweet beverage. I can only go for Teh-O-Kosong! This kinda lasted throughout my pregnancy though it got better bit by bit after 5-6months.

To be more positive, this kinda “this cannot eat, that cannot eat” diet kept me under control, I didn’t get Gestational Diabetes. But, that doesn’t mean my weight gain was under control, my gynae wondered why because Oliver was growing so rapidly that she says I’m gonna have another big baby! She warned me every month, that stressed me out…

We went for many morning/evening walks..

Before my second trimester went by just like that, we also went for a solo-trip to Bangkok without Vera!!! Hee hee.. I planned it in such a way that we will be away on weekdays so that most of the time, she is in school and doesn’t miss our presence so much. This trip was certainly a much needed good break for both Pail and myself. Break from being parents, and back to just two of us before we become four of us.

We also went for Mayday concert when we came back to Sg!!

So…. that was how I struggled with my second pregnancy.. how about Vera? How did she cope with having a Didi… I read up a lot on how to break news to your elder child, and the best way was thru reading books to them. So I got two books from Carousell to introduce a new baby to her, “My New Baby” and “There’s a house in Mommy”. And I am pretty conscious of siblings jealousy.. and kept reminding myself not to neglect her feelings.

We read the books almost throughout my whole pregnancy.. and she loved those books! She kinda got the idea that she is having a didi, and didi is in Mummy’s stomach, and Mummy gets sick because of that because she also saw how much I puked into plastic bags in Papa’s car whenever our car goes over a hump… she even tried to imitate me! But with the whole world kept asking her about her Baby-didi, she really gets reminded of it all the time until there was a period I felt it was too much I stopped reading the books and mentioning Didi to her. She was having all these tension, she started biting her friends in class and pushing them. Again, I read up a lot online and found that tension might be the reason. So to all those having a second child, pls take note of these signs in your elder child.

Then third trimester came by, I was heavily pregnant, but I was still able to move about quite freely. Phew, we still went out a lot and also did visiting during CNY, (can’t eat much CNY goodies tho because of being wary of gaining too much weight may result in a huge baby), but being pregnant, I’m not at all afraid of those annoying questions abt “When u having the second baby” and “Wah.. u put on weight ah?” anymore!! HAHAHA!

Since I was moving about ALOT, bending up and down picking Vera (and her toys) up all the time.. I was hoping for natural contractions but still.. it didn’t happen. Oliver grew at a much faster rate than Vera in my stomach, my gynae advised us that most likely we can induce labor.. so at around 38 weeks, we already decided if he is not coming out yet, we will induce labor in a week’s time.

I took much lesser bump shots this time round, in fact, I almost forgot to do that!

What we didn’t expected was… *thunder and lightning strikes* Vera was diagnosed with the freaking #1 hated HFMD at this time!!!! WTH.. I was all the time in my mind, thinking and planning of how we will let her come hospital to visit her didi for the first time.. and now this?! She cannot stay near to me as advised by my gynae and her Pd, because she may spread to me/the newborn. So she was being sent to Grandma’s place for two weeks.. the most critical two weeks.

I was sooooo upset whenever I had to say Goodbye to her every evening after we have dinner at In-laws place. Especially when she started to miss us, and says she wants to go home with us… Though we managed to get doctor’s clearance so that she can resume school. But she still has to stay away another week (as advised by doctor, just to be safe for the newborn baby). OMG, now that she knows she is well already and thought she can go home with us, we told her Sorry, she can’t, because the next day, I am gonna get admitted to induce labor. I had a talk with her, and she seems to understand… she looked down, and after pausing awhile in deep thoughts, she said Ok Mummy. Awwwwww…. Oh dearr, my girl seemed to grow up so much within a week! (physically and mentally!) Physically because at In-laws place, she really put on alot of weight, her face got so round, because she was all the time snacking and snacking. Haiz.. anyway her “Ok Mummy” made me cryyy on the way home……. I missed her so much! From my first trimester to last day of my pregnancy, I felt like it was such a long longgg journey for her… tho she was still Terribly-two, but she grew with me.

So, finally… next up, Oliver’s birth story. I don’t know how long again will that take to write up an entry. Stay tuned!


Categories: Motherhood, Pregnancy

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