寫 "漪" 生 活

December 28, 2010
by ladysuki

15 minutes @Laselle

Date: 6th Dec 2010 Venue: 15 minutes @Laselle Miss Irony and I met up after work on a Monday, as you can see, both our faces only spelled “T I R E D”. Haha, we were at Bugis area, and … Continue reading

November 4, 2010
by ladysuki

girls day out [ii]

I was informed that I still have a 1.5 days of annual leave from 2009 to clear, so i started going around looking for someone to take leave with me to go shopping. LOL~~~ Miss Irony was the finalist. Heh.. … Continue reading

June 30, 2010
by ladysuki

Miss Irony's Birthday [Dinner]

Hee.. the preparation work for Miss Irony’s Birthday Gift has been documented.. now, here’s the dinner meal!

June 10, 2010
by ladysuki

Gift for Miss Irony

Thanks to mylittlebow, I had a very personalised necklace made for my BFF, Miss Irony! 😀 As a professional online shopper, I’m very sure she knows where I made this necklace, so I’m not trying to hide where I made … Continue reading

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